Karen Franklin

Alliant International University, San Francisco Bay 
Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Public Health
"Karen Franklin"
Cross-listing: Neurotree

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Franklin K. (2010) Hebephilia: quintessence of diagnostic pretextuality. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 28: 751-68
Franklin K. (2010) Why the rush to create dubious new sexual disorders? Archives of Sexual Behavior. 39: 819-20
Franklin K. (2004) Enacting masculinity: Antigay violence and group rape as participatory theater Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 1: 25-40
Franklin K. (2002) Good Intentions The Enforcement of Hate Crime Penalty-Enhancement Statutes American Behavioral Scientist. 46: 154-172
Franklin K. (2000) Antigay Behaviors Among Young Adults Prevalence, Patterns, and Motivators in a Noncriminal Population Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 15: 339-362
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