Johanne Bedard

Faculte de medecine Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
Public Health
"Johanne Bedard"
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Diallo FB, Potvin L, Bédard J, et al. (2014) [Participation of parents in a nutritional education program in schools and development of eating behaviours of children]. Canadian Journal of Public Health = Revue Canadienne De Sante Publique. 105: e425-30
Diallo FB, Potvin L, Bédard J, et al. (2014) Participation des parents à un programme d'éducation nutritionnel implanté en milieu scolaire et développement de comportements alimentaires des enfants Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne De Sante Publique. 105: 425-430
Larose F, Bédard J, Hammami A, et al. (2008) Limits of the Appeal to Internet in Accessing Information and Training in the Exercise of Parenting Skills in Quebec Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 13: 441-458
Larose F, Terrisse B, Bédard J. (2006) Quebec Parents’Representationsof Social and Educational Intervention in Pre-school Education Brock Education Journal. 15
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