John F. Muth

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Robotics Engineering
"John Muth"


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Andrew E. Oberhofer grad student 2004 NCSU
Ailing Cai grad student 2005 NCSU
Christian Mion grad student 2005 NCSU
Hugh L. Porter grad student 2005 NCSU
Khalid Alhammadi grad student 2006 NCSU
Anuj Dhawan grad student 2007 NCSU
Arun Suresh grad student 2009 NCSU
Ian P. Wellenius grad student 2009 NCSU
Yi Lou grad student 2011 NCSU
Jim A. Simpson grad student 2012 NCSU
Brandon M. Cochenour grad student 2013 NCSU
Haojun Luo grad student 2013 NCSU
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Blumenschein N, Kadlec C, Romanyuk O, et al. (2020) Dielectric and conducting properties of unintentionally and Sn-doped β-Ga2O3 studied by terahertz spectroscopy Journal of Applied Physics. 127: 165702
Blumenschein N, Paskova T, Muth JF. (2019) Effect of Growth Pressure on PLD‐Deposited Gallium Oxide Thin Films for Deep‐UV Photodetectors Physica Status Solidi (a). 216: 1900098
Paskov PP, Slomski M, Leach JH, et al. (2017) Effect of Si doping on the thermal conductivity of bulk GaN at elevated temperatures – theory and experiment Aip Advances. 7: 095302
Sharma Y, Tiruveedhula VA, Muth JF, et al. (2015) VO(2) based waveguide-mode plasmonic nano-gratings for optical switching. Optics Express. 23: 5822-49
Dhawan A, Sharma Y, Brickson L, et al. (2014) Incorporation of vanadium oxide films in optical fibers for temperature sensing and optical switching applications Optical Materials Express. 4: 1128-1139
Ishmael SA, Slomski M, Luo H, et al. (2014) Thermal conductivity and dielectric properties of a TiO2-based electrical insulator for use with high temperature superconductor-based magnets Superconductor Science and Technology. 27
Wang Y, Muth JF. (2013) Expanded thermochromic color changes in VO2 thin film devices using structured plasmonic metal layers Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1494: 171-177
Wang Y, Muth JF. (2013) Improved switching response of VO2 devices deposited on silicon nitride membranes Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1494: 321-326
Ishmael S, Luo H, White M, et al. (2013) Enhanced quench propagation in Bi2Sr2CaCu2 Ox and YBa2Cu3O7-x coils via a nanoscale doped-titania-based thermally conducting electrical insulator Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity. 23
Cochenour B, Mullen L, Muth J. (2013) Temporal Response of the Underwater Optical Channel for High-Bandwidth Wireless Laser Communications Ieee Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 38: 730-742
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