John E. Angus
Affiliations: | School of Mathematical Sciences | The Claremont Graduate University |
Applied Mathematics, Computer Engineering, Robotics EngineeringGoogle:
"John Angus"Children
Sign in to add traineeDong Nguyen | grad student | 2000 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Claudia Rangel Escareno | grad student | 2003 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Monica M. De Pass | grad student | 2006 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Todd CadwalladerOlsker | grad student | 2007 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Steven J. Lewis | grad student | 2007 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Michael T. Vodhanel | grad student | 2011 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Xiaoyu Che | grad student | 2013 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Jody P. Shu | grad student | 2013 | The Claremont Graduate University |
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Angus J, Ding Y. (2020) On the ratio of current age to total life for null recurrent renewal processes Statistics & Probability Letters. 162: 108745 |
Angus JE. (2016) Bootstrapping a Universal Pivot When Nuisance Parameters are Estimated American Statistician. 70: 100-107 |
Che X, Angus J. (2016) A new joint model of recurrent event data with the additive hazards model for the terminal event time Metrika. 1-25 |
Shu J, Hamano F, Angus J. (2014) Application of extended Kalman filter for improving the accuracy and smoothness of Kinect skeleton-joint estimates Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 88 |
Lewis SJ, Raval A, Angus JE. (2008) Bayesian Monte Carlo estimation for profile hidden Markov models Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 47: 1198-1216 |
Angus JE. (1999) Toward computation of exact horizontal protection limits for satellite-based navigation systems Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation. 46: 217-225 |
Angus JE. (1997) Classroom Note: The Inspection Paradox Inequality Siam Review. 39: 95-97 |
Angus JE. (1997) The improved estimation of σ in quality control, revisited Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 11: 37-42 |
Luo H, Angus JE. (1997) Data-based optimal smoothing of a wavelet density estimator Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 26: 31-43 |
Angus JE. (1995) Preservation of Stochastic Orderings Under Random Mapping by Point Processes Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 9: 615-621 |