Alvaro Maggiar, Ph.D.

2014 Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Robotics Engineering
"Alvaro Maggiar"


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Irina S. Dolinskaya grad student 2014 Northwestern
 (Optimization of Smoothed Functionals and Applications of Nonlinear Programming to Fastest Path Finding for Vehicles in Anisotropic Media.)
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Maggiar A, Wächter A, Dolinskaya IS, et al. (2018) A Derivative-Free Trust-Region Algorithm for the Optimization of Functions Smoothed via Gaussian Convolution Using Adaptive Multiple Importance Sampling Siam Journal On Optimization. 28: 1478-1507
Maggiar A, Dolinskaya IS. (2014) Construction of fastest curvature-constrained paths in direction-dependent media Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 37: 813-827
Hirsch MJ, Schroeder DE, Maggiar A, et al. (2014) Multi-depot vessel routing problem in a direction dependent wavefield Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 28: 38-57
Dolinskaya IS, Maggiar A. (2012) Time-optimal trajectories with bounded curvature in anisotropic media International Journal of Robotics Research. 31: 1761-1793
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