Aaron Young, Ph.D.

2014-2016 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
 2016- Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
Prosthetics, Robotic Exoskeletons
"Aaron Young"
Cross-listing: Biomechanics Tree


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Todd Kuiken grad student 2014 Northwestern (Neurotree)
 (Intent Recognition for Powered Lower Limb Prostheses.)
Daniel P. Ferris post-doc 2014-2016 University of Michigan (Neurotree)


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Justine Powell grad student Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Keaton Scherpereel grad student Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Krishan Bhakta grad student 2016- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Jonathan Camargo grad student 2016- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Inseung Kang grad student 2016- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Dawit Lee grad student 2017- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Aakash Bajpai grad student 2018- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Dean Molinaro grad student 2018- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Ben Shafer grad student 2018- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Jennifer Leestma grad student 2019- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Jairo Maldonado grad student 2019- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Pooja Moolchandani grad student 2019- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Sixu Zhou grad student 2020- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Carlos Carrasquillo grad student 2021- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Christoph Nuesslein grad student 2021- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Dongho Park grad student 2021- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Ryan Casey grad student 2022- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Hanjun Kim grad student 2022- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Siddharth R Nathella grad student 2022- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
Ethan Schonhaut grad student 2022- Georgia Tech (Biomechanics Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Lee D, Mulrine S, Shepherd M, et al. (2024) Mitigating Crouch Gait with an Autonomous Pediatric Knee Exoskeleton in the Neurologically Impaired. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 1-33
Kestur S, Zhou S, O'Sullivan G, et al. (2024) Comparing the lower limb joint biomechanics of the Power Knee, C-Leg and Rheo Knee during ramp and stair ambulation. Journal of Biomechanics. 171: 112201
Scherpereel KL, Molinaro DD, Shepherd MK, et al. (2024) Improving Biological Joint Moment Estimation During Real-World Tasks with EMG and Instrumented Insoles. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering
Leestma JK, Smith CR, Sawicki GS, et al. (2024) A Data-Driven Approach to Estimate Human Center of Mass State During Perturbed Locomotion Using Simulated Wearable Sensors. Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Molinaro DD, Kang I, Young AJ. (2024) Estimating human joint moments unifies exoskeleton control, reducing user effort. Science Robotics. 9: eadi8852
Scherpereel K, Molinaro D, Inan O, et al. (2023) A human lower-limb biomechanics and wearable sensors dataset during cyclic and non-cyclic activities. Scientific Data. 10: 924
Maldonado-Contreras JY, Bhakta K, Camargo J, et al. (2023) User- and Speed-Independent Slope Estimation for Lower-Extremity Wearable Robots. Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Lee D, Shepherd MK, Mulrine SC, et al. (2023) Reducing Knee Hyperextension with an Exoskeleton in Children and Adolescents with Genu Recurvatum: A Feasibility Study. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering
Leestma JK, Golyski PR, Smith CR, et al. (2023) Linking whole-body angular momentum and step placement during perturbed walking. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Camargo J, Bhakta K, Herrin K, et al. (2022) Biomechanical Evaluation of Stair Ambulation Using Impedance Control on an Active Prosthesis. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
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