Boston College

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Eitan J. AlimiGeneral, General, International Law and Relations2004 William A. Gamson (grad student)
Felix J. AmatoSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology2005 Betty Blythe (grad student)
Joel T. AndradeSocial Work, Personality Psychology, Clinical Psychology Graduate School of Social Work2009 Thomas O'Hare (grad student)
Sarah BabbGeneral, Women's Studies, Middle Eastern Studies
Chiwen BaoSociology of Education, Secondary Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies Graduate School of Arts & Sciences2009 Juliet B. Schor (grad student)
Joy E. BeattyManagement Business Administration, Industrial and Labor Relations2004 Judith R. Gordon (grad student)
Fatemeh M. BehbakhtSocial Structure and Development, Public and Social Welfare, Women's Studies, Public Health, Information Science2001 Jeanne Guillemin (grad student)
Venera BekteshiSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Hispanic American Studies Graduate School of Social Work2011 Karen Kayser (grad student)
David L. BluesteinClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies, Industrial Psychology
Betty BlytheSocial Work, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
Kyle P. BourqueMental Health, Behavioral Psychology, Social Work Social Work2012 James Lubben (grad student)
Thomas E. BroffmanSocial Work, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology2002 Thomas O'Hare (grad student)
Abigail T. BrooksWomen's Studies, General, Theory and Methods2008 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Julia R. BurnsSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies2004 Paul Kline (grad student)
Gary L. CalhounSocial Work, Gerontology, Public and Social Welfare, Individual and Family Studies2000 Eric Kingson (grad student)
Maria R. Calvo VilchesSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare Graduate School of Social Work2009 James Lubben (grad student)
Kathleen A. CartySocial Work, Clinical Psychology2004 Thomas O'Hare (grad student)
George W. CaultonSocial Work, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Individual and Family Studies2005 Anthony N. Maluccio (grad student)
Michael J. CermakEnvironmental Education, Sustainability Graduate School of Arts & Sciences2012 Juliet B. Schor (grad student)
Julie K. ChildersIndividual and Family Studies, Women's Studies2003 William A. Gamson (grad student)
Julia ChuangChina, sociology of labor, sociology of development
Judith ClairManagement Business Administration, Criminology and Penology
Margaret M. ClarkeHigher Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Mass Communications2000 George F. Madaus (grad student)
Lawrence X. CliffordEuropean History, Biography2004 Roberta T. Manning (grad student)
Christina J. CostaIndustrial Psychology, Aging Graduate School of Social Work2011 Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes (grad student)
Tian-Jia DongTheory and Methods, General, American Studies, United States History2001 William A. Gamson (grad student)
Kristen M. DrummeyGeneral, Sociology of Education2008 Juliet B. Schor (grad student)
Ronald L. DufresneManagement Business Administration2007 Judith Clair (grad student)
R. D. EganTheory and Methods, Women's Studies2000 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Kelly A. EnglishSocial Work, Clinical Psychology2005 Betty Blythe (grad student)
Steven D. FaroughEthnic and Racial Studies2001 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Barry N. FeldmanSocial Work, Mental Health, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2001 Karen Kayser (grad student)
Erica G. FoldyManagement Business Administration, Social Structure and Development, Ethnic and Racial Studies2002 William R. Torbert (grad student)
Annikki P. GaliboisIndividual and Family Studies, Women's Studies2003 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
William A. GamsonGeneral, Women's Studies, Journalism
Melissa K. GilbertPublic and Social Welfare, Sociology of Education, Women's Studies, Pedagogy Education Graduate School of Arts & Sciences2010 Sharlene Hesse-Biber (grad student)
Nadia J. GillClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies, Industrial Psychology2008 David L. Bluestein (grad student)
Adria D. GoodsonPublic and Social Welfare, General2006 William A. Gamson (grad student)
Judith R. GordonManagement Business Administration, Industrial and Labor Relations
Jeanne GuilleminSocial Structure and Development, Public and Social Welfare, Women's Studies, Public Health, Information Science
Lynne A. HartnettEuropean History, Biography2000 Roberta T. Manning (grad student)
Jennifer K. HartwellManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2003 Judith R. Gordon (grad student)
Anders HaydenSocial Structure and Development, Environmental Studies, Climate Change Graduate School of Arts & Sciences2009 Juliet B. Schor (grad student)
Kristin HeffernanSocial Work, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2004 Betty Blythe (grad student)
Juan C. Henriquez-MendozaTheory and Methods, Cinema, Spirituality Graduate School of Arts & Sciences2011 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Sharlene Hesse-BiberPublic and Social Welfare, Sociology of Education, Women's Studies, Pedagogy Education
Jacquelyn S. HilliosSocial Work GSSW2013 James Lubben (grad student)
Cheryl D. HolmesIndividual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, General Religion2005 William A. Gamson (grad student)
Everett Cherrington HughesSociology, methodology, field work, ethnic relations
Ted K. I. YounHigher Education, Organizational, Art Education
Thomaskutty IdicullaSocial Work, Psychometrics Psychology, Gender Studies Graduate School of Social Work2008 Thomas O'Hare (grad student)
Haesang JeonSocial Work, Aging, Asian American Studies, Gerontology GSSW2013 James Lubben (grad student)
Andrew K. JorgensonEnvironmental sociology
Kelly A. JoyceGeneral, Radiology2001 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Karen KayserSocial Work, Mental Health, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
Eric KingsonSocial Work, Gerontology, Public and Social Welfare, Individual and Family Studies
Paul KlineSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies
Katherine M. KranzSocial Work2001 Thomas O'Hare (grad student)
Jamie J. LadgeManagement Business Administration, Women's Studies2008 Judith Clair (grad student)
Eric LammManagement Business Administration2007 Judith R. Gordon (grad student)
Patricia L. LeavySocial Structure and Development, American Studies, Mass Communications2002 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Jennifer B. LeonardoSocial Work, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Clinical Psychology GSSW2013 Thomas O'Hare (grad student)
Delario A. LindseyCriminology and Penology, Urban and Regional Planning, Ethnic and Racial Studies2007 William A. Gamson (grad student)
James LubbenSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies
Tammy L. MacLeanManagement Business Administration, Criminology and Penology2002 Judith Clair (grad student)
George F. MadausCinema, Sociology of Education
Molly MagillSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, Clinical Psychology Graduate School of Social Work2007 Thomas O'Hare (grad student)
Anthony N. MaluccioSocial Work, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
Roberta T. ManningEuropean History, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Aimee E. MarlowSocial Structure and Development, Health Care Management2002 Jeanne Guillemin (grad student)
Karen M. McCormackIndividual and Family Studies, Public and Social Welfare, Women's Studies2002 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Sharon P. McKechnieManagement Business Administration, Mass Communications2007 Judith R. Gordon (grad student)
William C. MeinhoferGeneral, Higher Education, Mass Communications2001 William A. Gamson (grad student)
Noa MilmanGeneral, Women's Studies, Journalism GSAS - Sociology2013 William A. Gamson (grad student)
Janine MinklerGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Cultural Anthropology2000 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Satya R. MontgomerySocial Work, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Graduate School of Social Work2009 Karen Kayser (grad student)
Irina MukhinaEuropean History, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 Roberta T. Manning (grad student)
Wendy C. MurphyManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2007 Judith R. Gordon (grad student)
Chrisann NewranskySocial Work, Public Health, Oncology GSSW2013 James Lubben (grad student)
Julie A. NorstrandSocial Work, Gerontology GSSW2014 James Lubben (grad student)
Thomas O'HareSocial Work, Social Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Public Health
Johanna K. PabstTechnology of Education, Information Technology, Theory and Methods Sociology2014 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Stephen PfohlTechnology of Education, Information Technology, Theory and Methods
Suzanne P. PieningSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health, Social Psychology2001 Karen Kayser (grad student)
Marcie Pitt-CatsouphesSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies
Miguel A. RamosTests and Measurements Education2004 George F. Madaus (grad student)
Kathleen M. RhoadesTests and Measurements Education, Mass Communications2004 George F. Madaus (grad student)
Peter E. RivardOrganizational, Health Care Management2006 William R. Torbert (grad student)
Kathleen RooneySocial Work, Clinical Psychology Graduate School of Social Work2009 Betty Blythe (grad student)
Jenny W. RudolphCognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Medicine and Surgery2003 William R. Torbert (grad student)
Susan SaltzburgSocial Work, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2001 Anthony N. Maluccio (grad student)
Charles R. SarnoTheory and Methods, General Religion, Black Studies2004 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)
Juliet B. SchorOrganizational, Management Business Administration
David Horton Smith
Ann G. TanCinema, Sociology of Education2000 George F. Madaus (grad student)
Sandee D. TisdaleSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies Graduate School of Social Work2012 Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes (grad student)
William R. TorbertManagement Business Administration, Social Structure and Development, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Anita R. TuckerSocial Work, Special Education, Clinical Psychology2006 Betty Blythe (grad student)
Tien UngSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies2008 James Lubben (grad student)
Aimee Van WagenenGeneral, Individual and Family Studies, Theory and Methods2006 Stephen Pfohl (grad student)