The University of Tennessee

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Kendra S. AlbrightMass Communications, Information Science, Social Structure and Development2002 Carol Tenopir (grad student)
Clinton B. AllisonHistory of Education, Sociology of Education, European History, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Andrew B. ArtisMarketing Business Administration, Individual and Family Studies2004 Sarah Gardial (grad student)
Juan J. BarthelemySocial Work, Personality Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education2005 David Dupper (grad student)
Susan M. BennerEarly Childhood Education, Special Education, Individual and Family Studies
Robin F. BlackmanCurriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education2003 Edward L. Counts (grad student)
John BohstedtEuropean History, Modern History, Public and Social Welfare, Biography
Cheryl BuehlerIndividual and Family Studies, Behavioral Psychology
Bradley W. BullIndividual and Family Studies, Mass Communications, Cinema2005 Julia A. Malia (grad student)
Sherry CableGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Catherine S. CainEarly Childhood Education, Behavioral Psychology2003 Susan M. Benner (grad student)
Daphne S. CainSocial Work, Black Studies, Individual and Family Studies2002 Terri Combs-Orme (grad student)
Ann M. CallahanSocial Work, Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration2004 Charles Glisson (grad student)
Mark A. CarletonSecondary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2000 Susan M. Benner (grad student)
Marc E. CastellaniClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology2002 Robert Wahler (grad student)
Mary C. ChampionClinical Psychology2005 Robert Wahler (grad student)
Donna J. CherrySocial Work2007 John G. Orme (grad student)
Tanya M. CoakleySocial Work, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 John G. Orme (grad student)
Glenn S. CoffeyCriminology and Penology2003 Neal Shover (grad student)
Terri Combs-OrmeSocial Work, Black Studies, Individual and Family Studies
John H. CopesCriminology and Penology2001 Neal Shover (grad student)
Michael W. CornebiseGeography, Recreation, Ethnic and Racial Studies2003 Lydia M. Pulsipher (grad student)
Fred W. CoulterSpecial Education2006 Vey M. Nordquist (grad student)
Edward L. CountsCurriculum and Instruction Education, Criminology and Penology
Gary S. CuddebackSocial Work2004 John G. Orme (grad student)
Carla-Joy L. CumberbatchClinical Psychology2002 Robert Wahler (grad student)
Regina M. CurranSociology of Education, Adult and Continuing Education2006 Mary Ziegler (grad student)
Josy DeSensiEthnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies, Recreation
Jean E. DumasClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies1982 Robert Wahler (grad student)
David DupperSocial Work, Sociology of Education
Catherine FaverSocial Work, Social Structure and Development
Jonathan A. FowlerEuropean History, Modern History, Public and Social Welfare, Biography2003 John Bohstedt (grad student)
Greer L. FoxIndividual and Family Studies, Clinical Psychology
Karen L. FranckSocial Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2005 Cheryl Buehler (grad student)
Sarah GardialMarketing Business Administration, Individual and Family Studies
Jean M. GerardDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2000 Cheryl Buehler (grad student)
Charles GlissonSocial Work, Psychometrics Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Jayne O. GriffinSpecial Education2003 Susan M. Benner (grad student)
Winnifred D. HallEarly Childhood Education, Public Administration2006 Susan M. Benner (grad student)
Howard J. HammondIndividual and Family Studies, Developmental Psychology2001 Julia A. Malia (grad student)
Melissa HerringDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Robert Wahler (grad student)
Laura E. HolcombClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health2001 Robert Wahler (grad student)
Laurel L. HollandGeneral2000 Sherry Cable (grad student)
Thomas C. HoodTheory and Methods
Brian S. HoppestadCurriculum and Instruction Education, Special Education, Technology of Education2004 Edward L. Counts (grad student)
Shann-Hwa ( HwangIndividual and Family Studies, Clinical Psychology2001 Greer L. Fox (grad student)
Lee A. JolleyDevelopmental Psychology, Women's Studies, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2006 Julia A. Malia (grad student)
Kris KoehneSocial Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, General Religion2000 Julia A. Malia (grad student)
Robert F. KronickGuidance and Counseling Education, Criminology and Penology, Women's Studies, Behavioral Psychology
Rebecca L. LucasGuidance and Counseling Education, Criminology and Penology, Women's Studies, Behavioral Psychology2000 Robert F. Kronick (grad student)
Julia A. MaliaIndividual and Family Studies, Developmental Psychology
Jill T. MartzIndividual and Family Studies, Recreation2004 Greer L. Fox (grad student)
Michael N. MbitoIndividual and Family Studies, African Literature, Cultural Anthropology2004 Julia A. Malia (grad student)
Andrea K. McCarterSocial Work, Psychometrics Psychology2006 Karen M. Sowers (grad student)
Sharon K. MeltonGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education2000 Robert F. Kronick (grad student)
Nancy Meyer-AdamsSocial Work, Sociology of Education, Educational Psychology Education2002 Karen M. Sowers (grad student)
Vey M. NordquistIndividual and Family Studies, Special Education, Developmental Psychology
John G. OrmeSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies
David OstermeierForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Social Structure and Development
Jeffrey W. OverbyMarketing Business Administration2000 Sarah Gardial (grad student)
Sandra K. ParisSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare2001 Catherine Faver (grad student)
Jamey L. PaveyForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Social Structure and Development2005 David Ostermeier (grad student)
Lisa A. PlanteHistory of Education, Sociology of Education, European History, Ethnic and Racial Studies2000 Clinton B. Allison (grad student)
Suzanne M. PrentissIndividual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Speech Communication2002 Connie Steele (grad student)
Lydia M. PulsipherGeography, Recreation, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Lauren E. RenkertSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies2005 Terri Combs-Orme (grad student)
Melissa H. RifkinCurriculum and Instruction Education2000 Dianne Whitaker (grad student)
Scott E. RoneyModern History, European History, History of Science, Public Health2002 John Bohstedt (grad student)
Rebecca L. SappSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies2003 John G. Orme (grad student)
Ahmet F. SaticiTechnology of Education, Cognitive Psychology2006 Edward L. Counts (grad student)
Neal ShoverCriminology and Penology, Mass Communications
Karen M. SowersSocial Work, Sociology of Education, Educational Psychology Education
Todd S. StanfieldSocial Work, General Religion, Mental Health2002 Catherine Faver (grad student)
Joy N. StapletonAdministration Education, Teacher Training Education, Elementary Education2000 Susan M. Benner (grad student)
Connie SteeleIndividual and Family Studies, Social Psychology, Criminology and Penology
Rhoda G. StoneClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies2001 Robert Wahler (grad student)
Melody G. StoneDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Mental Health2000 Cheryl Buehler (grad student)
Deborah TeganoDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
Carol TenopirMass Communications, Information Science, Social Structure and Development
Edgar H. TysonSocial Work, Psychometrics Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2003 Charles Glisson (grad student)
Christine A. VaupelPhysiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2002 Dianne Whitaker (grad student)
Vanessa A. VigilanteClinical Psychology2006 Robert Wahler (grad student)
Robert WahlerClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies
Thomas A. WashingtonSocial Work, Health Education, Obstetrics and Gynecology2002 Karen M. Sowers (grad student)
Sylvia L. WebsterEarly Childhood Education, Special Education, Individual and Family Studies2000 Susan M. Benner (grad student)
Teresa S. WelshMass Communications, Information Science, General2002 Carol Tenopir (grad student)
Dianne WhitakerGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Adult and Continuing Education, Individual and Family Studies
Kathryn S. WhittedSocial Work, Sociology of Education2005 David Dupper (grad student)
Matthew B. WintersteenClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology2003 Robert Wahler (grad student)
Lisa L. ZagumnyHistory of Education, Social Sciences Education2003 Clinton B. Allison (grad student)
Mary ZieglerSociology of Education, Adult and Continuing Education