Duke University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Benjamin D. AlbersGeneral2003 Edward A. Tiryakian (grad student)
Dan AoSocial Structure and Development Sociology2007 Nan Lin (grad student)
Mari J. Armstrong-HoughMedical sociology, epidemiology of microbial disease, diabetes, tuberculosis, Japan Studies Sociology Sociology2011 Suzanne Shanahan (grad student), Linda K. George (grad student)
Jennifer BairSocial Structure and Development, International Law and Relations2002 Gary Gereffi (grad student)
Regina BakerPoverty and Inequality, Social Stratification, The Family, Work/Employment, The U.S. South2015 Linda M. Burton (grad student)
Eduardo Bonilla-SilvaSocial Structure and Development, General
David BradySocial Structure and Development
Vincent A. BrownSocial Structure and Development, Latin American History, Black History2002 David B. Gaspar (grad student)
Taylor W. Brown Sociology20162021 James Moody (grad student)
Richard M. BurtonManagement Business Administration, Social Structure and Development
Dean P. CarringtonLaw, Industrial and Labor Relations, Management Business Administration
Li-Hsuan ChengOrganizational Sociology2008 Bai Gao (grad student)
Michelle ChristianSocial Structure and Development, Latin American Studies, Recreation, Ethnic and Racial Studies Sociology2011 Gary Gereffi (grad student)
Bernard Coles Sociology20192024 James Moody (grad student)
Molly Copeland sociology2020 James Moody (grad student)
Jennifer M. CrossIndustrial and Labor Relations, Ethnic and Racial Studies, General Education2007 Kenneth C. Land (grad student)
Evan C. CullElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2006 David Brady (grad student)
Jonathon N. CummingsOrganizational, Management Business Administration
Alexandra F. DaltonPublic and Social Welfare, Obstetrics and Gynecology Sociology2009 Linda K. George (grad student)
Jessica I. Dawsonculture, morality, extremism, digital disruption of society Sociology Sociology Sociology20132016 Edward A. Tiryakian (grad student), Lynn Smith-Lovin (grad student), Kenneth I. Spenner (grad student)
Ryan DennistonOrganizational, Social Structure and Development, Industrial and Labor Relations Sociology2010 Gary Gereffi (grad student)
Preyas DesaiMarketing Business Administration, Mass Communications, Criminology and Penology
Joshua Doyle sociology2020 Stephen B. Vaisey (grad student)
Rebecca D. DunningSocial Structure and Development, Public and Social Welfare, Individual and Family Studies2007 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Michelle L. DylanPublic and Social Welfare, Labor Economics2002 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Donald J. EbelSocial Structure and Development, General Religion, Labor Economics, American Studies2008 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Elizabeth H. EssarySocial Structure and Development, General2008 Suzanne Shanahan (grad student)
Michael E. EzellCriminology and Penology, Individual and Family Studies2002 Kenneth C. Land (grad student)
Reynolds Farley
Qiushi FengOrganizational, General Economics Sociology2009 Bai Gao (grad student)
Christy A. FernandezElectronics and Electrical Engineering, System Science Engineering, Optics Physics Electrical and Computer Engineering2010 David Brady (grad student)
Christian P. FerneyTheory and Methods, Organizational, International Law and Relations Sociology2009 Suzanne Shanahan (grad student)
Ryan FinniganDemography, Geography Sociology2013 David Brady (grad student)
Jacob C. Fisher sociology2016 James Moody (grad student)
Gail H. ForsytheLaw, Industrial and Labor Relations, Management Business Administration2002 Dean P. Carrington (grad student)
Steven L. FoyMental Health, General, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology Sociology2013 Lynn Smith-Lovin (grad student)
Robert E. FreelandTheory and Methods, Organizational Sociology2014 Lynn Smith-Lovin (grad student)
Elizabeth H. FreemanIndividual and Family Studies, Latin American Studies, Black Studies Sociology2012 Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (grad student)
Steven M. FrenkTheory and Methods, General Religion, Mental Health Sociology2011 Linda K. George (grad student)
Bai GaoOrganizational
David B. GasparSocial Structure and Development, Latin American History, Black History
Gertrude R. GauthierIndividual and Family Studies, Organization Theory Sociology2014 James Moody (grad student)
Deepa S. GeorgeGeneral2006 Gary Gereffi (grad student)
Linda K. George Sociology Sociology George Maddox (grad student), James S. House (grad student)
Gary GereffiOrganizational, Social Structure and Development, Industrial and Labor Relations
George R. Goethals Psychology19661970 Edward E. Jones (grad student)
Kellie J. HagewenDemography, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Public Health, Gerontology2005 Linda K. George (grad student)
Qi HaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 David Brady (grad student)
Olga V. HawnManagement Business Administration, Organizational Business Administration2013 Richard M. Burton (grad student)
Kellie Hegewen Sociology20002005 Linda K. George (grad student)
Elayne J. HeislerGeneral, Demography, Gerontology2003 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Lynn M. HempelEthnic and Racial Studies, Social Structure and Development2003 Edward A. Tiryakian (grad student)
Terrence D. HillPublic and Social Welfare, Individual and Family Studies Sociology20022006 Christopher G. Ellison (grad student)
Siyuan HuangManagement Business Administration, Organizational Business Administration2009 Rick Larrick (grad student)
Sharron D. Hunter-RaineyManagement Business Administration, Demography2004 Richard M. Burton (grad student)
Mary Beth Fallin Hunzaker sociology2017 Stephen B. Vaisey (grad student)
Katelin P. IsaacsDemography, Individual and Family Studies, Women's Studies, Gerontology Sociology2010 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Lu JiangManagement Business Administration2004 Richard M. Burton (grad student)
Denise M. KallGeneral, Educational Psychology Education2008 S. Philip Morgan (grad student)
Hyoung-Goo KangFinance, Management Business Administration Business Administration2009 Richard M. Burton (grad student)
Yunus KayaIndustrial and Labor Relations, Social Structure and Development2007 Gary Gereffi (grad student)
Kawsar KibriaGerontology, Individual and Family Studies, Public Health2000 Linda K. George (grad student)
David S. KittleElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics Electrical and Computer Engineering2013 David Brady (grad student)
Oded KoenigsbergMarketing Business Administration2002 Preyas Desai (grad student)
Kathleen KruegerOrganizational, Women's Studies Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Helen F. LaddGeneral Education, Public and Social Welfare, Human Development
Kenneth C. LandIndividual and Family Studies, General Psychology, General
Tracey A. LaPierreGeneral, Theory and Methods2006 Linda K. George (grad student)
Rick LarrickManagement Business Administration, Organizational
Joonkoo LeeSocial Structure and Development, Asian Studies, Management Business Administration, General Sociology2011 Gary Gereffi (grad student)
Se H. LimElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Applied Mathematics Electrical and Computer Engineering2012 David Brady (grad student)
Nan LinSocial networks
Scott M. LynchIndividual and Family Studies, Demography, Public Health Sociology Sociology Sociology2001 Linda K. George (grad student), Kenneth C. Land (grad student), Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Nathan D. MartinSocial Structure and Development, Sociology of Education, Higher Education Sociology2010 Kenneth I. Spenner (grad student)
Dupre E. Matthew19992005 Linda K. George (grad student)
Sarah A. MayorgaEthnic and Racial Studies, Social Structure and Development, Black Studies, Hispanic American Studies, African American Studies Sociology2012 Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (grad student)
Scott T. McCainElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2007 David Brady (grad student)
Patricia A. McManusIndividual and Family Studies, General Economics Sociology Sociology Sociology1996 Thomas A. Diprete (grad student), Nan Lin (grad student), Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Sarah O. MeadowsPublic and Social Welfare, Nutrition, General20002005 Linda K. George (grad student)
S. J. MendelsohnDemography, Theory and Methods, General Economics, Transportation Sociology2014 James Moody (grad student)
Andrew Miles sociology2015 Stephen B. Vaisey (grad student)
James Moody
S. Philip Morgan
Alexander M. MrozackElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2014 David Brady (grad student)
Sarah A. MustilloHealth, demography, statistics2001 Linda K. George (grad student)
Binnur NeidikSocial Structure and Development, Management Business Administration, Commerce-Business Economics2004 Gary Gereffi (grad student)
Angela M. O'RandGerontology, Individual and Family Studies
Emilio A. ParradoDemography
Lisa M. PeloquinTheory and Methods, United States History, Women's Studies2003 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Andrew D. PortnoyElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2009 David Brady (grad student)
Prasant PotuluriElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2004 David Brady (grad student)
Jillian L. PowersEthnic and Racial Studies, Recreation, American Studies, Black Studies, African American Studies, Jewish Studies Sociology2011 Suzanne Shanahan (grad student)
Devavrat PurohitMarketing Business Administration, Mass Communications, Criminology and Penology
Joseph Quinn Sociology20172022 James Moody (grad student)
Heather M. Rackin Sociology Sociology2013 James Moody (grad student), S. Philip Morgan (grad student)
Maria Cristina Ramos Sociology20142020 James Moody (grad student)
Robert C. RemleGerontology, Individual and Family Studies Sociology2008 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Russell E. RicheyChurch History, Theory and Methods, Women's Studies
Kimberly B. RogersTheory and Methods, Social Psychology Sociology2013 Lynn Smith-Lovin (grad student)
Leslie T. RothGeneral, Ethnic and Racial Studies Sociology2013 Suzanne Shanahan (grad student)
Linda M. RupertModern History, Latin American History2006 David B. Gaspar (grad student)
Jessica M. SautterIndividual and Family Studies, General Psychology, General Sociology2010 Kenneth C. Land (grad student)
Serena SebringEthnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies, United States History, Black Studies, Native American Studies, African American Studies Sociology2012 Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (grad student)
Melanie D. SerenyIndividual and Family Studies, Aging, Demography, Gerontology Sociology2013 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Suzanne ShanahanEthnic and Racial Studies, Jewish Studies
Mohan ShankarSystem Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2007 David Brady (grad student)
Jeffrey A. Smith Sociology Sociology2013 James Moody (grad student), Miller McPherson (grad student)
Lynn Smith-LovinTheory and Methods, Social Psychology
Lijun SongGeneral, Clinical Psychology Sociology Sociology2009 Linda K. George (grad student), Nan Lin (grad student)
Kenneth I. SpennerSocial Structure and Development, Sociology of Education, Higher Education
David C. Stark
Ashley L. TaylorCriminology and Penology, United States History Sociology2010 Suzanne Shanahan (grad student)
Miles G. Taylor20002005 Linda K. George (grad student)
Rebecca M. TippettSocial Structure and Development, Demography, General Economics Sociology2010 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Edward A. TiryakianEthnic and Racial Studies, Social Structure and Development
Liann Tucker Sociology20182023 James Moody (grad student)
Will TysonEthnic and Racial Studies, Sociology of Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2004 Kenneth I. Spenner (grad student)
Lauren Valentino sociology2019 Stephen B. Vaisey (grad student)
Dinah A. VernikMarketing Business Administration, Mass Communications, Criminology and Penology Business Administration2009 Preyas Desai (grad student)
Ashwin A. WagadarikarElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2010 David Brady (grad student)
Julianne M. WeinzimmerEthnic and Racial Studies, Jewish Studies Sociology2008 Suzanne Shanahan (grad student)
Whitney E. WelshSocial Structure and Development, History of Science Sociology2011 Suzanne Shanahan (grad student)
Julius M. WilderDemography, Public and Social Welfare, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies2007 Angela M. O'Rand (grad student)
Allison K. WisecupTheory and Methods, Social Psychology Sociology2011 Lynn Smith-Lovin (grad student)
Thomas Wolff Sociology20182023 James Moody (grad student)
Yang (Claire) Yang Sociology20002005 Linda K. George (grad student)
Xiumei ZhuManagement Business Administration Business Administration2009 Jonathon N. Cummings (grad student)