Jeffrey Hoffstein

Mathematics Brown University, Providence, RI 
Analytic Number Theory and Automorphic Forms
"Jeffrey Hoffstein"
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Diamantis N, Hoffstein J, Kıral EM, et al. (2020) Additive twists and a conjecture by Mazur, Rubin and Stein Journal of Number Theory. 209: 1-36
Hoffstein J, Hulse TA, Reznikov A. (2016) Multiple Dirichlet series and shifted convolutions Journal of Number Theory. 161: 457-533
Chinta G, Friedberg S, Hoffstein J. (2012) Double Dirichlet series and theta functions Springer Proceedings in Mathematics. 9: 149-170
Brubaker B, Bump D, Friedberg S, et al. (2012) Coefficients of the n-fold theta function and Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series Springer Proceedings in Mathematics. 9: 83-95
Ganguly S, Hoffstein J, Sengupta J. (2009) Determining modular forms on SL2(ℤ) by central values of convolution L-functions Mathematische Annalen. 345: 843-857
Brubaker B, Bump D, Friedberg S, et al. (2007) Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series III: Eisenstein series and twisted unstable Ar Annals of Mathematics. 166: 293-316
Brubaker B, Friedberg S, Hoffstein J. (2005) Cubic twists of GL(2) automorphic L-functions Inventiones Mathematicae. 160: 31-58
Brubaker B, Bucur A, Chinta G, et al. (2004) Nonvanishing twists of GL(2) automorphic L-functions International Mathematics Research Notices. 4211-4239
Diaconu A, Goldfeld D, Hoffstein J. (2004) Multiple dirichlet series and moments of zeta and L-functions Compositio Mathematica. 139: 297-360
Hoffstein J, Silverman JH. (2003) Random small Hamming weight products with applications to cryptography Discrete Applied Mathematics. 130: 37-49
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