Vijay S. Pai

Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
"Vijay Pai"


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Yung R. Choe grad student 2007 Purdue
Derek L. Schuff grad student 2010 Purdue
Jagadeesh M. Dyaberi grad student 2011 Purdue
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Musleh M, Pai VS. (2015) Automatic sharing classification and timely push for cache-coherent systems International Conference For High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Sc. 15
Vaidya PS, Lee JJ, Pai VS, et al. (2015) Symbiote Coprocessor Unit--A Streaming Coprocessor for Data Stream Acceleration Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi) Systems
Pathak S, Pai VS. (2015) ModNet: A modular approach to network stack extension Proceedings of the 12th Usenix Symposium On Networked Systems Design and Implementation, Nsdi 2015. 425-438
Villasenor E, Pritchett T, Dyaberi JM, et al. (2014) MorphStore: A local file system for Big Data with utility-driven replication and load-adaptive access scheduling Ieee Symposium On Mass Storage Systems and Technologies
Badam A, Pai VS, Nellans DW. (2013) Better flash access via shape-shifting virtual memory pages Proceedings of the 1st Acm Sigops Conference On Timely Results in Operating Systems, Trios 2013
Dyaberi JM, Parsons B, Pai V, et al. (2012) Managing cellular congestion using incentives Ieee Communications Magazine. 50: 100-107
Kim W, Roopakalu A, Li KY, et al. (2011) Understanding and characterizing PlanetLab resource usage for federated network testbeds Proceedings of the Acm Sigcomm Internet Measurement Conference, Imc. 515-531
Ihm S, Pai VS. (2011) Towards understanding modern web traffic Proceedings of the Acm Sigcomm Internet Measurement Conference, Imc. 295-312
Dyaberi JM, Kannan K, Pai VS, et al. (2010) Scholastic streaming: Rethinking mobile video-on-demand in a campus environment Movid'10 - Proceedings of the 2010 Acm Workshop On Mobile Video Delivery, Co-Located With Acm Multimedia 2010. 51-56
Ihm S, Park K, Pai VS. (2010) Towards understanding developing world traffic Proceedings of the 4th Acm Workshop On Networked Systems For Developing Regions, Nsdr '10
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