Amy J. Fitzgerald, Ph.D.

2006 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Criminology and Penology
"Amy Fitzgerald"


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Linda Kalof grad student 2006 Michigan State
 (Spill -over from "The Jungle" into the larger community: Slaughterhouses and increased crime rates.)
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Fitzgerald AJ, Barrett BJ, Gray A. (2022) The Co-occurrence of Animal Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence Among a Nationally Representative Sample: Evidence of "The Link" in the General Population. Violence and Victims. 36: 770-792
Fitzgerald AJ, Barrett BJ, Gray A, et al. (2020) The Connection Between Animal Abuse, Emotional Abuse, and Financial Abuse in Intimate Relationships: Evidence From a Nationally Representative Sample of the General Public. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260520939197
Fitzgerald AJ, Barrett BJ, Stevenson R, et al. (2019) Animal Maltreatment in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence: A Manifestation of Power and Control? Violence Against Women. 1077801218824993
Gray A, Barrett BJ, Fitzgerald A, et al. (2019) Fleeing with Fido: an Analysis of What Canadian Domestic Violence Shelters Are Communicating Via their Websites about Leaving an Abusive Relationship when Pets Are Involved Journal of Family Violence. 34: 287-298
Fitzgerald A. (2019) Piers Beirne with Ian O’Donnell and Janine Janssen: Murdering Animals: Writings on Theriocide, Homicide and Nonspeciesist Criminology Critical Criminology. 1-4
Barrett BJ, Fitzgerald A, Peirone A, et al. (2018) Help-Seeking Among Abused Women With Pets: Evidence From a Canadian Sample. Violence and Victims. 33: 604-626
Taylor N, Fitzgerald AJ. (2018) Understanding animal (ab)use: Green criminological contributions, missed opportunities and a way forward Theoretical Criminology. 22: 402-425
Stevenson R, Fitzgerald A, Barrett BJ. (2018) Keeping Pets Safe in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence: Insights From Domestic Violence Shelter Staff in Canada Affilia. 33: 236-252
Barrett BJ, Fitzgerald A, Stevenson R, et al. (2017) Animal Maltreatment as a Risk Marker of More Frequent and Severe Forms of Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260517719542
Fitzgerald A, Barrett B, Shwom R, et al. (2016) Development of the Partner’s Treatment of Animals Scale Anthrozoos. 29: 611-625
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