Steven Palmer
Affiliations: | SOCIOLOGY | University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada |
General, Health Care ManagementGoogle:
"Steven Palmer"Children
Sign in to add traineeAlireza Karimi Javan | research assistant | 2002-2004 | UC Berkeley (Neurotree) |
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Palmer S. (2011) Beginnings of Cuban bacteriology: Juan Santos Fernández, medical research, and the search for scientific sovereignty, 1880-1920 Hahr - Hispanic American Historical Review. 91: 445-468 |
Palmer S, Hochman G, Arbex D. (2010) Smallpox eradication, laboratory visits, and a touch of tourism: travel notes of a Canadian scientist in Brazil. Historia, Ciencias, Saude--Manguinhos. 17: 777-90 |
Hochman G, Palmer S. (2010) Smallpox eradication and Brazil: an interview with Donald A. Henderson. Historia, Ciencias, Saude--Manguinhos. 17: 759-75 |
Palmer S, Hochman G. (2010) A Canada-Brazil network in the global eradication of smallpox. Canadian Journal of Public Health = Revue Canadienne De Sante Publique. 101: 113-4, 118 |
Palmer S. (2010) Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization and the Cold War John FarleyBrock Chisholm, the World Health Organization and the Cold War John Farley Vancouver and Toronto: University of British Colombia Press, 2008, xvi + 254 p. $85 Canadian Bulletin of Medical History. 27: 408-409 |
Palmer S. (2010) A Cuban Scientist Between Empires: Peripheral Vision on Race and Tropical Medicine Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 35: 93-118 |
Palmer S. (2010) Historiographical Reflections on Health and Medicine in Latin America: A Conversation with Diego Armus Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 35: 19-38 |
Palmer S, Agostoni C. (2010) Introduction: Landscapes of Latin American Health, 1870–1970 Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 35: 5-18 |
Palmer S. (2009) "Cansancio" y Nación: el combate precoz de los salubristas costarricenses contra la anquilostomiasis Salud Colectiva. 5: 403-412 |
Torres LM, Palmer S. (2008) A Rockefeller Foundation health primer for US-occupied Nicaragua, 1914-1928. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History = Bulletin Canadien D'Histoire De La Medecine. 25: 43-69 |