Cynthia J. Cranford, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2001 | University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States |
Industrial and Labor Relations, Women's StudiesGoogle:
"Cynthia Cranford"Parents
Sign in to add mentorPierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo | grad student | 2001 | USC | |
(Labor, gender and the politics of citizenship: Organizing Justice for Janitors in Los Angeles.) |
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Chun JJ, Cranford C. (2018) Becoming Homecare Workers: Chinese Immigrant Women and the Changing Worlds of Work, Care and Unionism: Critical Sociology. 44: 1013-1027 |
Cranford C, Hick A, Bauer LB. (2018) Lived Experiences of Social Unionism: Toronto Homecare Workers in the late 2000s: Labor Studies Journal. 43: 74-96 |
Bauer LB, Cranford C. (2017) The community dimensions of union renewal: racialized and caring relations in personal support services Work, Employment & Society. 31: 302-318 |
Cranford CJ, Miller D. (2013) Emotion management from the client's perspective: The case of personal home care Work, Employment and Society. 27: 785-801 |
Cranford CJ. (2012) Gendered Projects of Solidarity: Workplace Organizing among Immigrant Women and Men Gender, Work and Organization. 19: 142-164 |
Cranford CJ. (2007) "it's time to leave machismo behind!": Challenging gender inequality in an immigrant union Gender and Society. 21: 409-438 |
Cranford CJ. (2007) Constructing union motherhood: Gender and social reproduction in the Los Angeles "justice for janitors" movement Qualitative Sociology. 30: 361-381 |
Cranford CJ. (2005) Networks of exploitation: Immigrant labor and the restructuring of the Los Angeles janitorial industry Social Problems. 52: 379-397 |
Cranford CJ, Vosko LF. (2005) Conceptualizing precarious employment: Mapping wage work across social location and occupational context Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada. 43-66 |
Cranford CJ, Vosko LF, Zukewich N. (2003) The Gender of Precarious Employment in Canada Relations Industrielles. 58: 454-482+538 |