Rachel A. Schurman
Affiliations: | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
Geography, Social Structure and Development, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Agricultural EconomicsGoogle:
"Rachel Schurman"
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Schurman R. (2018) Micro(soft) managing a ‘green revolution’ for Africa: The new donor culture and international agricultural development World Development. 112: 180-192 |
Schurman R. (2017) Building an Alliance for Biotechnology in Africa Journal of Agrarian Change. 17: 441-458 |
Schurman R. (2011) Erratum: Plenitude: The new economics of true wealth (Contemporary Sociology (2011) 40:4 (485-486) DOI: 10.1177/0094306111412516mm) Contemporary Sociology. 40 |
Schurman R. (2011) Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth: Contemporary Sociology. 40: 485-486 |
Schurman R, Munro W. (2009) Targeting capital: A cultural economy approach to understanding the efficacy of two anti-genetic engineering movements. American Journal of Sociology. 115: 155-202 |
Schurman R, Munro W. (2006) Ideas, thinkers, and social networks: The process of grievance construction in the anti-genetic engineering movement Theory and Society. 35: 1-38 |
Schurman R. (2004) Fighting “Frankenfoods”: Industry Opportunity Structures and the Efficacy of the Anti-Biotech Movement in Western Europe Social Problems. 51: 243-268 |
Boyd W, Prudham WS, Schurman RA. (2001) Industrial dynamics and the problem of nature Society and Natural Resources. 14: 555-570 |
Goldman M, Schurman RA. (2000) Closing the “Great Divide”: New Social Theory on Society and Nature Review of Sociology. 26: 563-584 |
Schurman RA. (1998) Tuna dreams: Resource nationalism and the Pacific Islands' tuna industry Development and Change. 29: 107-136 |