Lisa A. Szymecko, Ph.D.

2012 Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
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"Lisa Szymecko"


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Peter J. Kakela grad student 2012 Michigan State
 (Farming on the spectrum An autoethnographic journey to social farming.)
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Myers CD, Kieffer EC, Fendrick AM, et al. (2020) How Would Low-Income Communities Prioritize Medicaid Spending? Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Goold SD, Danis M, Abelson J, et al. (2019) Evaluating community deliberations about health research priorities. Health Expectations : An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy
Goold SD, Myers CD, Danis M, et al. (2018) Members of Minority and Underserved Communities Set Priorities for Health Research. The Milbank Quarterly. 96: 675-705
Goold S, Rowe Z, Calhoun K, et al. (2016) The State as Community in Community-Based Participatory Research. Progress in Community Health Partnerships : Research, Education, and Action. 10: 515-522
Goold SD, Myers CD, Szymecko L, et al. (2016) Priorities for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: The Views of Minority and Underserved Communities. Health Services Research
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