Neil I. Wiener
Affiliations: | York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Social Psychology, Theory and MethodsGoogle:
"Neil Wiener"Children
Sign in to add traineeKlaus-Peter Ossenkopp | grad student | 1974-1978 | (Neurotree) |
Christian G. Mesquida | grad student | 2002 | York University |
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Linton DK, Wiener NI. (2001) Personality and potential conceptions: Mating success in a modern Western male sample Personality and Individual Differences. 31: 675-688 |
Wiesenthal DL, Wiener NI. (1999) Ethical questions in the age of the new eugenics. Science and Engineering Ethics. 5: 383-94 |
Mesquida CG, Wiener NI. (1999) Male Age Composition and Severity of Conflicts Politics and the Life Sciences. 18: 181-189 |
Mesquida CG, Wiener NI. (1996) Human collective aggression: A behavioral ecology perspective Ethology and Sociobiology. 17: 247-262 |
Wiener NI, Nobrega JN, Ossenkopp KP, et al. (1980) Acute hyperkinesia after hypothalamic lesions: a comparison of the time course, level, and type of hyperkinesia induced by ventromedial and lateral hypothalamic lesions in rats. Experimental Neurology. 67: 346-62 |
Ossenkopp KP, Wiener NI, Nobrega JN. (1980) Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions and stomach ulcers: reduction by non-nutritive bulk ingested in the post lesion period. Physiology & Behavior. 24: 1125-31 |
Nobrega JN, Wiener NI, Ossenkopp KP. (1980) Development of acute feeding disorders, hyperactivity, and stomach pathology after medial and lateral hypothalamic lesions in rats Physiological Psychology. 8: 77-87 |