Edwin I. Megargee

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Women's Studies
"Edwin Megargee"
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Megargee E. (2011) Using the algebra of aggression in forensic practice The British Journal of Forensic Practice. 13: 4-11
Megargee EI, Mercer SJ, Carbonell JL. (1999) MMPI-2 with male and female state and federal prison inmates. Psychological Assessment. 11: 177-185
Peña LM, Megargee EI, Brody E. (1996) MMPI-A Patterns of Male Juvenile Delinquents. Psychological Assessment. 8: 388-397
Megargee EI, Carbonell JL. (1985) Predicting prison adjustment with MMPI correctional scales. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 53: 874-883
Megargee EI. (1984) A New Classification System for Criminal Offenders, VI: Differences among the Types on the Adjective Checklist Criminal Justice and Behavior. 11: 349-376
Megargee EI, Bohn MJ. (1977) IV: Empirically determined characteristics of the ten types Criminal Justice and Behavior. 4: 149-210
Fowler MG, Megargee EI. (1976) Psychometric Characteristics of Megargee's Work Performance and Interpersonal Adjustment Rating Schedules: Criminal Justice and Behavior. 3: 361-370
Megargee EI, Cook PE. (1975) Negative response bias and the MMPI overcontrolled-hostility scale: a response to Deiker. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 43: 725-729
White WC, Mcadoo WG, Megargee EI. (1973) Personality Factors Associated with Over- and Undercontrolled Offenders Journal of Personality Assessment. 37: 473-478
Megargee EI, Swartz JD. (1968) Extraversion, neuroticism, and scores on the Holtzman Inkblot technique. Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment. 32: 262-265
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