Aimee L. Hamilton, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
Management Business Administration, OrganizationalGoogle:
"Aimee Hamilton"Parents
Sign in to add mentorDennis A. Gioia | grad student | 2012 | Penn State | |
(Exploring identity and organizing for sustained innovation in an entrepreneurial academic laboratory: Two grounded theory models.) |
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Patvardhan SD, Gioia DA, Hamilton AL. (2015) Weathering a meta-level identity crisis: Forging a coherent collective identity for an emerging field Academy of Management Journal. 58: 405-435 |
Gioia DA, Corley KG, Hamilton AL. (2013) Seeking Qualitative Rigor in Inductive Research: Notes on the Gioia Methodology Organizational Research Methods. 16: 15-31 |
Gioia DA, Patvardhan SD, Hamilton AL, et al. (2013) Organizational Identity Formation and Change Academy of Management Annals |
Patvardhan S, Hamilton AL. (2012) Organizational Identity Change: Review and Reflection on Three Decades of Research Academy of Management Proceedings. 2012: 12457 |
Gioia DA, Price KN, Hamilton AL, et al. (2010) Forging an identity: An insider-outsider study of processes involved in the formation of organizational identity Administrative Science Quarterly. 55: 1-46 |