Sheryl Thorburn
Affiliations: | Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR |
Public Health, Public and Social WelfareGoogle:
"Sheryl Thorburn"Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add traineeMolly M. De Marco | grad student | 2007 | Oregon State |
Jennifer Kue | grad student | 2011 | Oregon State |
Amber Wilburn | grad student | 2011 | Oregon State |
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Julian A, Thorburn S, Geldhof GJ. (2020) Health Beliefs About UV and Skin Cancer Risk Behaviors. Cancer Control : Journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center. 27: 1073274819894008 |
Lindly OJ, Geldhof GJ, Acock AC, et al. (2017) Family-Centered Care Measurement and Associations With Unmet Health Care Need Among US Children. Academic Pediatrics |
Kue J, Thorburn S, Szalacha LA. (2016) Perceptions of Risk for Hepatitis B Infection among the Hmong. Hmong Studies Journal. 17 |
Sinky TH, Faith J, Lindly O, et al. (2016) Cancer Fatalism and Preferred Sources of Cancer Information: an Assessment Using 2012 HINTS Data. Journal of Cancer Education : the Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Education |
Julian AK, Bethel JW, Odden MC, et al. (2016) Sex differences and risk behaviors among indoor tanners. Preventive Medicine Reports. 3: 283-7 |
Faith J, Thorburn S, Smit E. (2016) Body mass index and the use of the Internet for health information Health Education Journal. 75: 94-104 |
Faith J, Thorburn S, Sinky TH. (2016) Exploring healthcare experiences among online interactive weight loss forum users Computers in Human Behavior. 57: 326-333 |
Kue J, Thorburn S, Keon KL. (2015) Research challenges and lessons learned from conducting community-based research with the Hmong community. Health Promotion Practice. 16: 411-8 |
Kue J, Zukoski A, Keon KL, et al. (2014) Breast and cervical cancer screening: exploring perceptions and barriers with Hmong women and men in Oregon. Ethnicity & Health. 19: 311-27 |
Faith J, Thorburn S, Tippens KM. (2013) Examining CAM use disclosure using the Behavioral Model of Health Services Use Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 21: 501-508 |