Michael D. Pullmann, Ph.D.

2009 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Public and Social Welfare, Criminology and Penology, Developmental Psychology
"Michael Pullmann"


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Craig A. Heflinger grad student 2009 Vanderbilt
 (Predictors of criminal charges for youth in public mental health services during the transition to adulthood.)
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Martinez RG, Weiner BJ, Meza RD, et al. (2023) Study protocol: Novel Methods for Implementing Measurement-Based Care with youth in Low-Resource Environments (NIMBLE). Implementation Science Communications. 4: 152
Bruns EJ, Lee K, Davis C, et al. (2023) Effectiveness of a Brief Engagement, Problem-Solving, and Triage Strategy for High School Students: Results of a Randomized Study. Prevention Science : the Official Journal of the Society For Prevention Research
Pullmann MD, Dorsey S, Duong MT, et al. (2022) Expect the Unexpected: A Qualitative Study of the Ripple Effects of Children's Mental Health Services Implementation Efforts. Implementation Research and Practice. 3
Munson SA, Friedman EC, Osterhage K, et al. (2022) Usability Issues in Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions and Implementation Strategies: Cross-project Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 24: e37585
Arean P, Hull D, Pullmann MD, et al. (2021) Protocol for a sequential, multiple assignment, randomised trial to test the effectiveness of message-based psychotherapy for depression compared with telepsychotherapy. Bmj Open. 11: e046958
Adrian M, Coifman J, Pullmann MD, et al. (2020) Implementation Determinants and Outcomes of a Technology-Enabled Service Targeting Suicide Risk in High Schools: Mixed Methods Study. Jmir Mental Health. 7: e16338
Lyon AR, Munson SA, Renn BN, et al. (2020) Sub-study Correction: Use of Human-Centered Design to Improve Implementation of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies in Low-Resource Communities: Protocol for Studies Applying a Framework to Assess Usability. Jmir Research Protocols. 9: e18241
Pullmann MD, Roberts N, Parker EM, et al. (2020) Residential instability, running away, and juvenile detention characterizes commercially sexually exploited youth involved in Washington State's child welfare system. Child Abuse & Neglect. 102: 104423
Murray LK, Haroz E, Dorsey S, et al. (2019) Understanding mechanisms of change: An unpacking study of the evidence-based common-elements treatment approach (CETA) in low and middle income countries. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 103430
Bruns EJ, Parker EM, Hensley S, et al. (2019) The role of the outer setting in implementation: associations between state demographic, fiscal, and policy factors and use of evidence-based treatments in mental healthcare. Implementation Science : Is. 14: 96
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