Patrick V. Dattalo

Social Work Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States 
Social Work, Management Business Administration, Public and Social Welfare
"Patrick Dattalo"


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Geraldine L. Meeks grad student 2009 VCU
Mary E. Parente grad student 2011 VCU
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Charles JLK, Dattalo PV. (2018) Minimizing Social Desirability Bias in Measuring Sensitive Topics: The Use of Forgiving Language in Item Development Journal of Social Service Research. 44: 587-599
Dattalo P. (2007) Borrowing to Save: A Critique of Recent Proposals to Partially Privatize Social Security Social Work. 52: 233-242
Dattalo P. (1997) A typology of child protective service cases: design and implementation issues for social work administrators Administration in Social Work. 21: 55-75
Dattalo P. (1995) Policy Analysis and Research Technology: Political and Ethical Considerations and Social Policy: Institutional Context of Social Development and Human Services Social Work. 40: 567-568
Hutchison ED, Dattalo P, Rodwell MK. (1994) Reorganizing child protective services: Protecting children and providing family support Children and Youth Services Review. 16: 319-338
Dattalo P. (1992) Social Security's Surpluses: An Update Social Work. 37: 377-379
Dattalo P. (1990) Social Security Surplus: A Housing Policy Opportunity Social Work. 35: 346-349
Dattalo P. (1990) Widening The Range Of Services For The Homeless Mentally Ill Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 17: 247-256
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