Laurence Ashworth, Ph.D.

2004 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
Marketing Business Administration
"Laurence Ashworth"


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Peter R. Darke grad student 2004 UBC
 (It's the principle that matters: The antecedents and consequences of procedural justice in a consumer setting.)
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Philp M, Ashworth L. (2020) I should have known better!: When firm-caused failure leads to self-image concerns and reduces negative word-of-mouth Journal of Business Research. 116: 283-293
Ashworth L, Darke PR, McShane L, et al. (2019) The rules of exchange: The role of an exchange surplus in producing the endowment effect Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 152: 11-24
González PA, Ashworth L, McKeen JD. (2019) The CIO stereotype: Content, bias, and impact Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 28: 83-99
Philp M, Pyle MA, Ashworth L. (2018) Risking the self: the impact of self-esteem on negative word-of-mouth behavior Marketing Letters. 29: 101-113
Bourassa MA, Cunningham PH, Ashworth L, et al. (2018) Respect in Buyer/Seller Relationships Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences-Revue Canadienne Des Sciences De L Administration. 35: 198-213
Ashworth L, McShane L. (2012) Why Do We Care What Others Pay? The Effect of Other Consumers’ Prices on Inferences of Seller (Dis)Respect and Perceptions of Deservingness Violation Journal of Retailing. 88: 145-155
Ashworth L, Pyle M, Pancer E. (2010) The Role of Dominance in the Appeal of Violent Media Depictions Journal of Advertising. 39: 121-134
Darke PR, Ashworth L, Main KJ. (2009) Great expectations and broken promises: Misleading claims, product failure, expectancy disconfirmation and consumer distrust Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 38: 347-362
Darke PR, Ashworth L, Ritchie RJB. (2008) Damage from Corrective Advertising: Causes and Cures Journal of Marketing. 72: 81-97
Van Boven L, Ashworth L. (2007) Looking forward, looking back: anticipation is more evocative than retrospection. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 136: 289-300
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