Howard Saul Becker, Ph.D.

1951-1953 Sociology University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
 1953-1955 Institute for Juvenile Research 
 1965-1991 Sociology Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
 1991-1999 Sociology and Music University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
"Howard S. Becker"

Howard S. Becker is known for developing the foundations for labeling theory. Howard S. Becker has contributed to areas of the sociology of deviance as well as sociology in music and art.

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Everett Cherrington Hughes grad student 1951 Chicago
 (Everett Hughes was the Dissertation Committee Chair.)


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Elijah Anderson grad student Chicago
John P Walsh grad student
Lawrence J. Redlinger grad student 1969 Northwestern (PoliSci Tree)
Mitchell Duneier grad student 1992 Northwestern
BETA: Related publications


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Becker HS. (2009) John Kitsuse: a Colleague Remembered The American Sociologist. 40: 21-24
Becker HS. (2004) Comment on Kevin D. Haggerty, “Ethics Creep: Governing Social Science Research in the Name of Ethics” Qualitative Sociology. 27: 415-416
Becker HS. (2003) The Politics of Presentation: Goffman and Total Institutions Symbolic Interaction. 26: 659-669
Becker HS. (2002) Visual evidence: A Seventh Man, the specified generalization, and the work of the reader Visual Studies. 17: 3-11
Becker H. (2001) Georges Perec's Experiments in Social Description Ethnography. 2: 63-76
Becker HS. (2000) What Should Sociology Look Like in the (Near) Future Contemporary Sociology. 29: 333
Becker HS. (1995) Visual sociology, documentary photography, and photojournalism: It's (almost) all a matter of context Visual Studies. 10: 5-14
Becker HS, Shepherd J. (1992) Music as Social Text. Contemporary Sociology. 21: 528
Peirano MGS, Becker HS. (1992) The pluralism of Antonio candido Sociological Theory. 10: 43
Velho G, Becker HS. (1992) Project, emotion, and orientation in complex societies Sociological Theory. 10: 6
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