James Mahmud Rice

Melbourne School of Population and Global Health University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 
"James Mahmud Rice"
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Rice JM, Wilson T, Temple JB, et al. (2022) The Impact of Demographic and Economic Change on the Australian Generational Economy: Financial Sustainability, Intergenerational Inequality, and Material Living Standards. Frontiers in Public Health. 10: 798298
Rice JM, Temple JB, McDonald PF. (2017) Private and public consumption across generations in Australia. Australasian Journal On Ageing. 36: 279-285
Temple JB, Rice JM, McDonald PF. (2017) Ageing and the economic life cycle: The National Transfer Accounts approach. Australasian Journal On Ageing. 36: 271-278
Temple JB, McDonald PF, Rice JM. (2017) Net Assets Available at Age of Death in Australia: An Extension of the National Transfer Accounts Methodology Population Review. 56
Temple JB, Rice JM, McDonald PF. (2017) Mature age labour force participation and the life cycle deficit in Australia: 1981–82 to 2009–10 The Journal of the Economics of Ageing. 10: 21-33
Goodin RE, Rice JM, Parpo A, et al. (2010) III) Discretionary Time: A Rejoinder Social Indicators Research. 101: 189-192
Goodin RE, Rice JM. (2009) Waking Up in the Poll Booth Perspectives On Politics. 7: 901-910
Goodin RE, Rice JM, Parpo A, et al. (2008) Discretionary time: A new measure of freedom Discretionary Time: a New Measure of Freedom. 1-462
Eriksson L, Rice JM, Goodin RE. (2007) Temporal aspects of life satisfaction Social Indicators Research. 80: 511-533
Rice JM, Goodin RE, Parpo A. (2006) The temporal welfare state: A crossnational comparison Journal of Public Policy. 26: 195-228
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