James Yonker
Affiliations: | 2017 | Sociology | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
"James Yonker"Parents
Sign in to add mentorRobert M. Hauser | grad student | 2017 | UW Madison |
Alberto B. Palloni | grad student | 2017 | UW Madison (Epi Tree) |
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Palloni A, Yonker JA. (2016) Is the US Old-Age Mortality Advantage Vanishing? Population and Development Review. 42: 465-489 |
Palloni A, Yonker J. (2014) A for to Continuing and in the United States: Why did the United States suffer a reversal in gains in life expectancy and why do we linger at the bottom for high-income countries? Generations (San Francisco, Calif.). 38: 12-18 |
Roetker NS, Page CD, Yonker JA, et al. (2013) Assessment of genetic and nongenetic interactions for the prediction of depressive symptomatology: an analysis of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study using machine learning algorithms. American Journal of Public Health. 103: S136-44 |
Yonker JA, Chang V, Roetker NS, et al. (2013) Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis homeostasis predicts longevity. Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands). 35: 129-38 |
Roetker NS, Yonker JA, Lee C, et al. (2012) Multigene interactions and the prediction of depression in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. Bmj Open. 2 |