Tessie P Liu

History Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Modern European History: France and Global Francophonie; Global History; African Diaspora and African American History; Gender and Sexuality History
"Tessie Liu"
Cross-listing: History of History Tree


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Geoffrey H. Eley grad student 1987 University of Michigan (Anthropology Tree)
 (Dissertation co-chair, "From Protoindustry to Sweated Work: Household Producers, Small Scale Manufacturing, and Rural Development in Southern Anjou, 1780 to 1914 (France)")
Susan F. Harding grad student 1987 University of Michigan (Anthropology Tree)
 (Dissertation committee member)
William H. Sewell Jr. grad student 1987 University of Michigan
 (Dissertation committee member)
Louise Audino Tilly grad student 1987 University of Michigan
 (Dissertation co-chair, "From Protoindustry to Sweated Work: Household Producers, Small Scale Manufacturing, and Rural Development in Southern Anjou, 1780 to 1914 (France)")
Charles Tilly grad student 1987 University of Michigan
 (Dissertation committee member)