People with institution matching "Stanford University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Christian Badillo (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Andriyana K Bankova (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Allison Banuelos (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Amira A Barkal (Info) Stanford abarkal 2018‑09‑15
Annika Brakebill (Info) Stanford University Medical School hematopoietic stem cells, Hoxb5 abrakebill 2019‑09‑24
David Bryder (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Quenton Rashawn Bubb (Info) Stanford Medical School quenton 2019‑08‑14
Paul Bump (Info) Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University stem cell biology in small squishy animals paulbump 2019‑08‑11
Andrew T Burden (Info) Stanford Medical School Stem Cell Biology aburden 2024‑08‑12
Casey Burnett (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Adriel Cha (Info) Stanford acha 2018‑08‑29
Timothy Chai (Info) Stanford timchai 2019‑09‑18
Charles Kwok Fai Chan (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Shirley Chan (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑06‑06
Yan-Yi Chan (Info) Stanford Medical School Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Antibody Conditioning syychan 2018‑08‑31
Ming T Cheah (Info) Genentech, Inc. Oncology mingtche 2018‑08‑25
James Yuhtyng Chen (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Stanford Medical School Stem Cell Biology chenjy 2019‑10‑09
Samuel H. Cheshier (Info) Stanford Immunology, Cell Biology pq 2017‑03‑08
Corey Cheung (Info) University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, Stanford Medical School Stem Cell Transplantation, Leukemia coreyc 2018‑08‑24
Sangkyun (Tim) Choi (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Sylvia Choo (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Julie L. Christensen (Info) Stanford Immunology, Molecular Biology pq 2017‑03‑08
Robert L Coffman (Info) Dynavax Technologies Immunology RCoffman 2019‑09‑21
Humberto Contreras-Trujillo (Info) Stanford Medical School hcontreras 2019‑08‑13
Taylor S Cool (Info) Stanford stem cell biology, hematopoiesis taycool 2022‑10‑10
David T Crowe (Info) Stanford University Medical School, ICOS Corp., Accelerator Corp., Implicit Bioscience Innate immunity, Drug development dcrowe 2019‑09‑20
Agnieszka D Czechowicz (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑06‑01
Anthony W De Tomaso (Info) UC Santa Barbara david 2016‑01‑14
Erica Dhuey (Info) Stanford Medical School T cells, immune tolerance edhuey 2022‑11‑29
Carla Dib (Info) Stanford University Medical School Gene editing, Blood diseases carladib 2019‑08‑13
Micha Drukker (Info) Helmholtz Center Munich Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Laura Dunn (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Anna E. Eastman (Info) Stanford Stem cells AnnaEastman 2022‑10‑10
Lauren I R Ehrlich (Info) UT Austin Immunology; cancer biology pq 2015‑10‑06
Amy C Fan (Info) Stanford HSPC, AML amycfan 2020‑01‑22
C. Garrison Fathman (Info) Stanford jandh 2020‑06‑10
Mingye Feng (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School, Stanford Medical School Cancer Immunology pq 2015‑11‑07
Christopher B Franco (Info) Stanford Medical School throwaway2005 2018‑08‑25
Stephen J. Galli (Info) Stanford Medical School throwaway2005 2018‑08‑25
Maxim Gildred (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Gunsagar Singh Gulati (Info) Stanford Medical School ggulati 2018‑09‑14
George A Gutman (Info) UC Irvine Antibody genes, Potassium Channels gagutman 2018‑08‑28
Ethan Joseph Haslett (Info) Stanford Pediatrics EthanHaslett 2022‑10‑19
Joy He (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑03
Garrett C. Heffner (Info) Stanford Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology pq 2017‑03‑08
Pui Yan Ho (Info) Stanford Medical School Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Gene Editing, Fanconi Anemia puiyanho 2018‑08‑24
Naoki Hosen (Info) Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Cancer Immunotherapy hnaoki 2018‑08‑26
Koichi Ikuta (Info) Kyoto University, University of Tokyo Immunology ikuta.koichi 2019‑09‑11
Matthew A.K. Inlay (Info) Stanford Medical School, UC Irvine ccmuscat 2018‑06‑20
Hannah Jackson (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Siddhartha Jaiswal (Info) Stanford Aging, Stem cells, Cancer, Macrophages sjaiswal 2018‑09‑18
Libuse Jerabek (Info) Stanford Aneeshka 2018‑10‑03
Steve Jungers (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Mona Khalaj (Info) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Angela G. King (Info) Stanford david 2018‑06‑06
Cynthia Ann Klein (Info) Stanford Medical School Stem Cell Research, Reproductive Biology cklein 2018‑09‑05
Ethan Ko (Info) Stanford Medical School ethkoer 2019‑08‑13
Mark Kowarsky (Info) Stanford bioinformatics, metagenomics, immunology, developmental biology, microbiomes Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Geoffrey W. Krampitz (Info) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson Hepatopancreatobiliary, endocrine, peritoneal surface malignancies, immunotherapy, surgical oncology Aneeshka 2018‑10‑03
Emi Kusaba (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Hye-Sook Kwon (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Diana J. Laird (Info) UCSF Developmental and Reproductive Biology pq 2017‑03‑08
Alan Le (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Anne Le (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Aaron Levett (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Daniel D. Liu (Info) Stanford Neural stem cells, glioblastoma, microglia liudan 2019‑09‑11
Wan-Jin Lu (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Brad Magor (Info) University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Ab affinity maturation, Aicda, evoluition bmagor 2018‑08‑31
Anoop Manjunath (Info) Stanford ggulati 2018‑09‑14
Kristopher D Marjon (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Nicole Marjon (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Maxim Markovic (Info) Stanford Medical School mmarkovic 2018‑09‑14
Melissa Nicole McCracken (Info) Third Rock Ventures mnmccracken 2018‑09‑04
Tanya Renee McKitrick (Info) Stanford jandh 2020‑06‑20
Ronald C Merrell (Info) Stanford jandh 2020‑06‑10
Chrissy Muscat (Info) Stanford Medical School ccmuscat 2018‑06‑20
Thanyaphong Na Nakorn (Info) Stanford Pathology, Immunology, Oncology pq 2017‑03‑08
TEJA NAIK (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Hiromitsu Nakauchi (Info) Stanford Medical School g341149 2019‑10‑22
Toshinobu Nishimura (Info) Stanford Medical School Immunology g341149 2019‑10‑22
Joseph Noh (Info) Stanford ggulati 2018‑09‑14
Stephen R. Nord (Info) Stanford Firefighters snord 2018‑08‑28
Helen O'NEILL (Info) ANU/BondU Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine 2018‑08‑25
Wendy W Pang (Info) Stanford Medical School wpang 2018‑08‑31
Joe Olage Pasillas (Info) Stanford Medical School Hematopoietic Stem Cells jop6 2022‑10‑10
Nicolas Poux (Info) Stanford nphpoux 2019‑08‑09
Jessica Poyser (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Máire Rayburn (Info) Stanford School of Medicine mrayburn 2019‑08‑13
Tannishtha Reya (Info) Duke, UCSD Pharmacology, Cell Biology, Cancer Biology pq 2016‑07‑03
Tal Rosen (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Benyamin Rosental (Info) Stanford Medical School, Ben Gurion University Immunology, Comparative Immunology, Stem cell biology Aneeshka 2018‑10‑03
Jason Ross (Info) Stanford jasonbarzelross 2019‑09‑04
Derrick J Rossi (Info) Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑06‑06
Debashis Sahoo (Info) UCSD Bioinformatics, Cancer Systems Biology, Boolean Analysis, Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer, B-ALL sahoo00 2018‑08‑25
Amelia Scheck (Info) Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Stanford Medical School Hematopoietic Stem Cell, Alternative Conditioning Aneeshka 2018‑06‑06
Jun Seita (Info) RIKEN Deep Learning, Systems Biology jseita 2018‑09‑02
Tenzin Dolma Shakya (Info) Stanford Medical School Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation tenzindshakya 2018‑08‑24
Judith A Shizuru (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Maia Shoham (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Susan Alpert Siegel (Info) Klarquist Sparkman, LLP Legal susanasiegel 2018‑08‑27
Camille A Sindhu (Info) Stanford Gene editing, HSCs, HIV/AIDS csindhu 2018‑08‑30
Myra Small (Info) Tel Aviv U medical school T cell maturation msmall 2018‑08‑28
Charmaine Soco (Info) Stanford hematology, fanconi anemia, sickle cell disease csoco 2022‑10‑10
Thomas P. St. John (Info) University of Washington, Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Adi Steinhart (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Terry Storm (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Katie Rose Sullivan (Info) Stanford Medical School kmarjon 2019‑09‑22
Leah Swartzrock (Info) Stanford University Medical School Stem Cell Transplantation lmswartz 2022‑10‑10
Michal C. Tal (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Supawat Thongthip (Info) Stanford Medical School DNA repair, Hematopoietic Stem Cell supawatt 2019‑08‑14
Krystal Tien (Info) Stanford Medical School krystaltien 2022‑10‑10
Peter Tran (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
David Traver (Info) Stanford david 2017‑03‑08
Diane Tseng (Info) Stanford dianet 2019‑08‑10
Maïté Van Hentenryck (Info) Stanford Medical School Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation mvanhentenryck 2018‑08‑24
David L Vaux (Info) Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research cell death Davo 2018‑08‑25
Brenda Velasco (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Katharina Sophia Volz (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Ayelet Voskoboynik (Info) Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station Evolution of immunity and stem cell biology ayeletv 2019‑09‑19
Emily Walck (Info) Stanford Medical School, University of Minnesota Medical School Fanconi Anemia, Epidermolysis Bullosa, Antibody-based Conditioning, Gene Editing, Genomic stability, Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes Aneeshka 2018‑06‑06
Irving L. Weissman (Info) Stanford Medical School Stem cell biology, Regenerative medicine Dietrich 2008‑04‑17
Douglas E. Wright (Info) Stanford david 2018‑06‑06
Ting-Hsuan Wu (Info) Stanford Lung epithelial stem cells, pulmonary vascular disease, eukaryotic transcriptional control thsuanwu 2020‑01‑31
Jinyi Xiang (Info) Stanford Medical School Aneeshka 2018‑10‑02
Phoebe Ying Yiu (Info) Stanford Medical School phoebeyiu 2019‑09‑24
Allison Zhang (Info) Stanford ggulati 2018‑09‑14
Fangfang Zhu (Info) Stanford Medical School stem cells; developmental biology; immuno-oncology zhuff 2018‑08‑26
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