Robert A. Skipper

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 
History and Philosophy of Biology
"Robert Skipper"
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Lindley Darden grad student 2000 University of Maryland
 (The R. A. Fisher -Sewall Wright controversy in philosophical focus: Theory evaluation in population genetics.)
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Dietrich MR, Skipper RA. (2007) Manipulating underdetermination in scientific controversy: The case of the molecular clock Perspectives On Science. 15: 295-326
Millstein RL, Skipper RA. (2007) Population Genetics The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. 22-43
Skipper RA. (2006) Stochastic evolutionary dynamics: Drift versus draft Philosophy of Science. 73: 655-665
Skipper RA, Millstein RL. (2005) Thinking about evolutionary mechanisms: natural selection. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. 36: 327-47
Skipper RA. (2004) Calibration of laboratory models in population genetics Perspectives On Science. 12: 369-393
Skipper RA. (2004) The heuristic role of Sewall Wright's 1932 adaptive landscape diagram Philosophy of Science. 71: 1176-1188
Skipper RA. (2002) The persistence of the R.A. Fisher-Sewall Wright controversy Biology and Philosophy. 17: 341-367
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