Donald R. Strong

Evolution and Ecology University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Community and population biology; insect-plant interactions; natural enemies of herbivorous insects; soil ecology; soil-dwelling natural enemies; evolution of plant resistance to herbivores and herbivore counter evolution; salt-marsh ecology
"Donald Strong"
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree


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Peter W. Frank grad student University of Oregon (Marine Ecology Tree)


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David W. Ginsburg research assistant 1992-1993 Bodega Marine Lab, UC Davis (Marine Ecology Tree)
Justin Bastow grad student
Will Wetzel grad student UC Davis
Erik K. Grijalva grad student 2013- UC Davis
Jennifer A. Rudgers grad student 2002 UC Davis
Heather G. Davis grad student 2004 UC Davis
Evan L. Preisser grad student 2004 UC Davis
Kathy J. Bando grad student 2005 UC Davis
Christina M. Sloop grad student 2005 UC Davis
Janie C. Civille grad student 2006 UC Davis
Karthik Ram grad student 2009 UC Davis
Renate Eberl grad student 2012 UC Davis
Mara A. Evans grad student 2012 UC Davis
Laura C. Feinstein grad student 2012 UC Davis
Shelby Rinehart grad student 2013-2018 UC Davis (Marine Ecology Tree)
Daniel S. Gruner post-doc Bodega Marine Lab, UC Davis


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Christopher J. Dugaw collaborator UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab
Yihui Zhang collaborator 2011- UC Davis (Marine Ecology Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Liu W, Chen X, Strong DR, et al. (2020) Climate and geographic adaptation drive latitudinal clines in biomass of a widespread saltmarsh plant in its native and introduced ranges Limnology and Oceanography. 65: 1399-1409
Liu W, Zhang Y, Chen X, et al. (2019) Contrasting plant adaptation strategies to latitude in the native and invasive range of Spartina alterniflora. The New Phytologist
Liu W, Strong DR, Pennings SC, et al. (2017) Provenance by environment interaction of reproductive traits in the invasion of Spartina alterniflora in China. Ecology
Casazza ML, Overton CT, Bui TVD, et al. (2016) Endangered species management and ecosystem restoration: Finding the common ground Ecology and Society. 21
Liu W, Maung-Douglass K, Strong DR, et al. (2016) Geographical variation in vegetative growth and sexual reproduction of the invasive Spartina alterniflora in China Journal of Ecology. 104: 173-181
Strong DR, Ayres DA. (2016) Control and consequences of Spartina spp. invasions with focus upon San Francisco Bay Biological Invasions. 18: 2237-2246
Strong D, Whelan AM. (2015) More than 1470 manuscripts have been submitted to Ecology in 2014, up about 6% from 2013. Ecology. 96: 1-2
Wetzel WC, Strong DR. (2015) Host selection by an insect herbivore with spatially variable density dependence. Oecologia. 179: 777-84
Overton CT, Takekawa JY, Casazza ML, et al. (2015) Sea-level rise and refuge habitats for tidal marsh species: Can artificial islands save the California Ridgway's rail? Ecological Engineering. 74: 337-344
Overton CT, Casazza ML, Takekawa JY, et al. (2014) Tidal and seasonal effects on survival rates of the endangered California clapper rail: Does invasive Spartina facilitate greater survival in a dynamic environment? Biological Invasions. 16: 1897-1914
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