Burton V. Barnes

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Ecology Biology, Cultural Anthropology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture
"Burton Verne Barnes" OR "Burton V Barnes"

(1930 - 2014)


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Stephen H. Spurr grad student 1959 University of Michigan
 (Natural Variation and Clonal Development of Populus tremuloides and P. grandidentata in Northern Lower Michigan)


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Kurt S. Pregitzer grad student (Evolution Tree)
Terry L. Sharik grad student Michigan Technological University (Anthropology Tree)
Daniel M. Kashian grad student 1994-1998 University of Michigan
Yuka Makino grad student 2009 University of Michigan (Anthropology Tree)
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Lapin M, Barnes BV. (1995) Using the Landscape Ecosystem Approach to Assess Species and Ecosystem Diversity. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 9: 1148-1158
Zogg GP, Barnes BV. (1995) Ecological classification and analysis of wetland ecosystems, northern Lower Michigan, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 25: 1865-1875
Barnes BV, Han F. (1993) Phenotypic variation of Chinese aspens and their relationships to similar taxa in Europe and North America Botany. 71: 799-815
Barnes BV, Xü Z, Zhao S. (1992) Forest ecosystems in an old-growth pine - mixed hardwood forest of the Changbai Shan Preserve in northeastern China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 22: 144-160
Archambault L, Barnes BV, Witter JA. (1990) Landscape ecosystems of disturbed oak forests of southeastern Michigan, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 20: 1570-1582
Denton SR, Barnes BV. (1987) Tree species distributions related to climatic patterns in Michigan Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 17: 613-629
Denton SR, Barnes BV. (1987) Spatial distribution of ecologically applicable climatic statistics in Michigan Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 17: 598-612
Spies TA, Barnes B. (1985) Ecological species groups of upland northern hardwood – hemlock forest ecosystems of the Sylvania Recreation Area, Upper Peninsula, Michigan Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 15: 961-972
Spies TA, Barnes BV. (1985) A multifactor ecological classification of the northern hardwood and conifer ecosystems of Sylvania Recreation Area, Upper Peninsula, Michigan Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 15: 949-960
Barnes BV, Pregitzer KS. (1985) Occurrence of hybrids between bigtooth and trembling aspen in Michigan Canadian Journal of Botany. 63: 1888-1890
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