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Kermit Cromack grad student 1983 Oregon State
 (substitute advisor)
Richard H. Waring grad student 1983 Oregon State
 (Effects of Nutrient and Light Limitation on Mountain Hemlock: Susceptibility to Laminated Root Rot)


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John Arthur Harrison grad student 2003 Stanford
John M. Beman grad student 2006 Stanford
Caroline B. Nielsen grad student 2006 Stanford
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Hess LJ, Hinckley ES, Robertson GP, et al. (2020) Rainfall intensification increases nitrate leaching from tilled but not no-till cropping systems in the U.S. Midwest Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 290: 106747
Hinckley ELS, Fendorf S, Matson P. (2010) Short-term fates of high sulfur inputs in Northern California vineyard soils Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 89: 135-142
Ahrens TD, Beman JM, Harrison JA, et al. (2009) A synthesis of nitrogen transformations and transfers from land to the sea in the yaqui valley agricultural region of northwest mexico Water Resources Research. 45
Holtgrieve GW, Jewett PK, Matson PA. (2006) Variations in soil N cycling and trace gas emissions in wet tropical forests. Oecologia. 146: 584-94
Chapin FS, Woodwell GM, Randerson JT, et al. (2006) Reconciling carbon-cycle concepts, terminology, and methods Ecosystems. 9: 1041-1050
Michael Beman J, Arrigo KR, Matson PA. (2005) Agricultural runoff fuels large phytoplankton blooms in vulnerable areas of the ocean. Nature. 434: 211-4
Lohse KA, Matson P. (2005) Consequences of nitrogen additions for soil losses from wet tropical forests Ecological Applications. 15: 1629-1648
Harrison JA, Matson PA, Fendorf SE. (2005) Effects of a diel oxygen cycle on nitrogen transformations and greenhouse gas emissions in a eutrophied subtropical stream Aquatic Sciences. 67: 308-315
Hedin LO, Vitousek PM, Matson PA. (2003) Nutrient losses over four million years of tropical forest development Ecology. 84: 2231-2255
Harrison J, Matson P. (2003) Patterns and controls of nitrous oxide emissions from waters draining a subtropical agricultural valley Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 17: n/a-n/a
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