Cailin H. Orr, Ph.D.

School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
"Cailin Orr"
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Ortega-Pieck A, Fremier AK, Orr CH. (2017) Agricultural influences on the magnitude of stream metabolism in humid tropical headwater streams Hydrobiologia. 799: 49-64
Orr CH, Predick KI, Stanley EH, et al. (2014) Spatial autocorrelation of denitrification in a restored and a natural floodplain Wetlands. 34: 89-100
Singh A, Czuba JA, Foufoula-Georgiou E, et al. (2013) StreamLab Collaboratory: Experiments, data sets, and research synthesis Water Resources Research. 49: 1746-1752
Orr CH, Clark JJ, Wilcock PR, et al. (2009) Comparison of morphological and biological control of exchange with transient storage zones in a field-scale flume Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 114
Wilcock PR, Orr CH, Marr JDG. (2008) The need for full-scale experiments in river science Eos. 89: 6
Riggsbee JA, Orr CH, Leech DM, et al. (2008) Suspended sediments in river ecosystems: Photochemical sources of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, and adsorptive removal of dissolved iron Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 113
Orr CH, Kroiss SJ, Rogers KL, et al. (2008) Downstream benthic responses to small dam removal in a coldwater stream River Research and Applications. 24: 804-822
Orr CH, Stanley EH, Wilson KA, et al. (2007) Effects of restoration and reflooding on soil denitrification in a leveed Midwestern floodplain. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 17: 2365-76
Stanley EH, Catalano MJ, Mercado-Silva N, et al. (2007) Effects of dam removal on brook trout in a Wisconsin stream River Research and Applications. 23: 792-798
Orr CH, Koenig S. (2006) Planting and vegetation recovery on exposed mud flats following two dam removals in Wisconsin Ecological Restoration. 24: 79-86
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