Sign in to add mentorJean-Louis Deneubourg | grad student | 2006 | Toulouse 3 (Primatology Tree) | |
(Organisation spatio-temporelle des groupes chez les ongulés : une étude expérimentale de la ségrégation des sexes chez le mouton mérinos (ovis aries)) |
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Michelena P, Pillot MH, Henrion C, et al. (2012) Group size elicits specific physiological response in herbivores. Biology Letters. 8: 537-9 |
Michelena P, Deneubourg JL. (2011) How group size affects vigilance dynamics and time allocation patterns: the key role of imitation and tempo. Plos One. 6: e18631 |
Michelena P, Jeanson R, Deneubourg JL, et al. (2010) Personality and collective decision-making in foraging herbivores. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 277: 1093-9 |
Pillot MH, Gautrais J, Gouello J, et al. (2010) Moving together: Incidental leaders and naïve followers. Behavioural Processes. 83: 235-41 |
Michelena P, Sibbald AM, Erhard HW, et al. (2009) Effects of group size and personality on social foraging: The distribution of sheep across patches Behavioral Ecology. 20: 145-152 |
Michelena P, Gautrais J, Gérard JF, et al. (2008) Social cohesion in groups of sheep: Effect of activity level, sex composition and group size Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 112: 81-93 |
Gautrais J, Michelena P, Sibbald A, et al. (2007) Allelomimetic synchronization in Merino sheep Animal Behaviour. 74: 1443-1454 |
Michelena P, Noël S, Gautrais J, et al. (2006) Sexual dimorphism, activity budget and synchrony in groups of sheep. Oecologia. 148: 170-80 |
Bon R, Deneubourg JL, Gerard JF, et al. (2006) Sexual segregation in ungulates: From individual mechanisms to collective patterns Sexual Segregation in Vertebrates: Ecology of the Two Sexes. 180-199 |
Michelena P, Henric K, Angibault JM, et al. (2005) An experimental study of social attraction and spacing between the sexes in sheep. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 208: 4419-26 |