Paul G. Risser

1965 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
 1967-1981 University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
"Paul G. Risser"

(1939 - 2014)


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Grant Cottam grad student 1965 UW Madison
 (Breaking Dormancy of Some Spring Ephemerals.)
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Risser PG. (1995) The Status of the Science Examining EcotonesA dynamic aspect of landscape is the area of steep gradients between more homogeneous vegetation associations Bioscience. 45: 318-325
Iverson LR, Risser PG. (1987) Analgzing long-term changes in vegetation with geographic information system and remotely sensed data Advances in Space Research. 7: 183-194
Collins SL, James FC, Risser PG. (1982) Habitat relationships of wood warblers (Parulidae) in northern central Minnesota Oikos. 39: 50
Risser PG, Parton WJ. (1982) Ecosystem Analysis of the Tallgrass Prairie: Nitrogen Cycle Ecology. 63: 1342-1351
Collins SL, Risser PG, Rice EL. (1981) Ordination and Classification of Mature Bottomland Forests in North Central Oklahoma Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 108: 152
Sherwood RTB, Risser PG. (1980) Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Little Sahara State Park, Oklahoma. Southwestern Naturalist. 25: 323-338
Parton WJ, Wright RG, Risser PG. (1980) Simulated grazing responses on the proposed prairies National Park Environmental Management. 4: 165-170
Sherwood RTB, Risser PG. (1979) Dispersion and Co-Dispersion in Oklahoma Upland Forests Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 106: 200
Schnell GD, Risser PG, Helsel JF. (1977) Factor Analysis of Tree Distribution Patterns in Oklahoma Ecology. 58: 1345-1355
Johnson FL, Risser PG. (1975) A Quantitative Comparison between an Oak Forest and an Oak Savannah in Central Oklahoma Southwestern Naturalist. 20: 75
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