Patricia A. Werner, Ph.D.

1973-1986 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
 2003- Australian National University, Acton, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 
"Patricia Ann Werner" OR "Patricia A. Werner"
Bio: I gratefully acknowledge the patient guidance , time and support of Dr. Stephen N. Stephenson , my major professor . The enthusiasm and challenges of Dr. William E. Cooper greatly stimulated my pursuit of this work . Dr. Peter G. Murphy and Dr. Melinda Denton provided valuable suggestions on the research and manuscript . During the initial stages of this study , Dr. John E. Cantlon and Dr. John H. Beaman were of much assistance

Patricia A. Werner
Born: Flint, MI 7/7/1941
Education: Michigan State (M.S. 1968; Ph.D. 1972)
Dissertation title: Effect of the invasion of Dipsacus sylvestris on plant communities in early old-field succession
Advisor: John E. Cantlon (C)
Other influences: (M.S.) John Beaman; (Ph.D.) William E. Cooper, Peter G. Murphy, Stephen N. Stephenson
Teaching History: Michigan State 1973-1986, Florida 1992-2002 (became emeritus), Australian National University (2003-present)
Ph.D. students: Katherine L. Gross, Judith D. Soule, Ronald S. Gross, Carmen R. Cid, Alice A. Winn, Thomas E. Miller, Wanda E. Jones, Annemarie VanDoorn
Others influenced: (MS and beyond) Martha A. Potvin, Jean M. Huffman, Catherine A. Olson, Amy Harbeck; (Ph.D.) Hal Caswell, James B. Grace, A. Brigitt N’Dri; (Post-docs) Deborah E. Goldberg, Claudia J. Jolls, David Peart, S Kawano.
ESA offices and honors: Member-at-Large 1979-81
External link: Paper Trail
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John E. Cantlon grad student Michigan State
Stephen Neil Stephenson grad student 1972 Michigan State
 (Effect of the Invasion of Dipsacus Sylvestris on Plant Communities in Early Old-field Succession)


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Carmen Cid grad student Eastern Connecticut State University
Ronald S. Gross grad student Michigan State
Thomas Edward Miller grad student Florida State (Evolution Tree)
Judith Soule grad student Michigan State
Alice A. Winn grad student Florida State (Evolution Tree)
Katherine L. Gross grad student 1980 Michigan State (Microtree)
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Sritharan MS, Scheele BC, Blanchard W, et al. (2022) Plant rarity in fire-prone dry sclerophyll communities. Scientific Reports. 12: 12055
Werner PA, Cowie I, Cusack J. (2006) Juvenile tree growth and demography in response to feral water buffalo in savannas of northern Australia: an experimental field study in Kakadu National Park. Australian Journal of Botany. 54: 283-296
Werner PA. (2005) Impact of feral water buffalo and fire on growth and survival of mature savanna trees: An experimental field study in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia Austral Ecology. 30: 625-647
Pors B, Werner PA. (1989) Individual Flowering Time In A Goldenrod (Solidago Canadensis): Field Experiment Shows Genotype More Important Than Environment American Journal of Botany. 76: 1681-1688
Winn AA, Werner PA. (1987) Regulation of seed yield within and among populations of Prunella vulgaris Ecology. 68: 1224-1233
Miller TE, Werner PA. (1987) Competitive effects and responses between plant species in a first-year old-field community Ecology. 68: 1201-1210
Goldberg DE, Werner PA. (1983) The effects of size of opening in vegetation and litter cover on seedling establishment of goldenrods (Solidago spp.). Oecologia. 60: 149-155
Potvin MA, Werner PA. (1983) Water use physiologies of co-occurring goldenrods (Solidago juncea and S. canadensis): Implications for natural distributions. Oecologia. 56: 148-152
Gross RS, Werner PA. (1983) Probabilities of Survival and Reproduction Relative to Rosette Size in the Common Burdock (Arctium minus: Compositae) American Midland Naturalist. 109: 184
Gross RS, Werner PA. (1983) Relationships among Flowering Phenology, Insect Visitors, and Seed‐Set of Individuals: Experimental Studies on Four Co‐occurring Species of Goldenrod (Solidago: Compositae) Ecological Monographs. 53: 95-117
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