Edward H. Miller, Ph.D.

Biology Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 
Vocal Communication
"Edward Miller"
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Riede T, Eliason C, Miller EH, et al. (2016) Coos, booms, and hoots: the evolution of closed-mouth vocal behavior in birds. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Sung HC, Miller EH. (2007) Variation and individuality in display-flight calls of male Piping Plovers Condor. 109: 468-475
Walters EL, Miller EH, Lowther PE, et al. (2002) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) The Birds of North America Online
Walters EL, Miller EH, Lowther PE, et al. (2002) Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber) The Birds of North America Online
Walters EL, Miller EH. (2001) Predation on nesting woodpeckers in British Columbia Canadian Field-Naturalist. 115: 413-419
Miller EH, Walters EL, Ouellet H. (1999) Plumage, size, and sexual dimorphism in the Queen Charlotte Islands Hairy Woodpecker Condor. 101: 86-95
Miller EH. (1996) Nuptial vocalizations of male least seedsnipe: Structure and evolutionary significance Condor. 98: 418-422
L'Hyver M, Miller EH. (1991) Geographic and Local Variation in Nesting Phenology and Clutch Size of the Black Oystercatcher The Condor. 93: 892
Miller EH, Gunn WWH, Veprintsev BN. (1988) Breeding Vocalizations of Baird's Sandpiper Calidris bairdii and Related Species, with Remarks on Phylogeny and Adaptation Ornis Scandinavica. 19: 257
Miller EH. (1983) Structure of Display Flights in the Least Sandpiper The Condor. 85: 220-242
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