Amanda T. Rugenski, Ph.D.

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
"Amanda Rugenski"
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Yang C, Wehrtmann IS, Wenger SJ, et al. (2020) Neotropical freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) shred leaves Nauplius. 28
Yang C, Wenger SJ, Rugenski AT, et al. (2020) Freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) increase rates of leaf breakdown in a neotropical headwater stream Freshwater Biology
Atkinson CL, Encalada AC, Rugenski AT, et al. (2018) Determinants of food resource assimilation by stream insects along a tropical elevation gradient. Oecologia
Vanni MJ, McIntyre PB, Allen D, et al. (2017) A global database of nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates of aquatic animals. Ecology
DiRenzo GV, Che-Castaldo C, Rugenski A, et al. (2017) Disassembly of a tadpole community by a multi-host fungal pathogen with limited evidence of recovery. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 27: 309-320
Moody EK, Rugenski AT, Sabo JL, et al. (2017) Does the Growth Rate Hypothesis Apply across Temperatures? Variation in the Growth Rate and Body Phosphorus of Neotropical Benthic Grazers Frontiers in Environmental Science. 5
Beck WS, Rugenski AT, Poff NL. (2017) Influence of experimental, environmental, and geographic factors on nutrient-diffusing substrate experiments in running waters Freshwater Biology. 62: 1667-1680
Atkinson CL, Capps KA, Rugenski AT, et al. (2016) Consumer-driven nutrient dynamics in freshwater ecosystems: from individuals to ecosystems. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Barnum TR, Drake JM, Colón-Gaud C, et al. (2015) Evidence for the persistence of food web structure after amphibian extirpation in a Neotropical stream. Ecology. 96: 2106-16
Capps KA, Atkinson CL, Rugenski AT. (2015) Consumer-driven nutrient dynamics in freshwater ecosystems: An introduction Freshwater Biology. 60: 439-442
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