People with institution matching "Oregon State University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Salam A. Al-thahabi (Info) Oregon State Agronomy Agriculture pq 2016‑04‑06
Paul B. Alaback (Info) Univ. Montana Forest Ecology jandh 2024‑05‑20
Stanley H. Anderson (Info) Colorado State NMcIntyre 2021‑10‑22
Wilson V. Avila Garcia (Info) Oregon State General Agriculture, Botany Biology pq 2016‑04‑06
Matt A. Bahm (Info) Institute for Applied Ecology restoration ecology, invasive species, rare species conservation mbahm 2017‑03‑08
Arthur Wesley Bailey (Info) University of Alberta jandh 2023‑11‑06
Daniel A. Ball (Info) Oregon State Kevynjj 2015‑11‑03
Michael T. Bogan (Info) Oregon State evolutionary ecology of aquatic organisms pq 2015‑11‑18
Gregory J. Brenner (Info) Oregon State Entomology Biology, Biostatistics Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Ecology Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Sandra Brown (Info) UIUC, Winrock International, Oregon State ehelmer 2015‑06‑30
William Wesley Chilcote (Info) Oregon State muddynat 2024‑02‑12
Brian A. Croft (Info) Oregon State muddynat 2024‑10‑01
Kermit Cromack (Info) Oregon State jandh 2024‑04‑01
Paul Steven Doescher (Info) Oregon State jandh 2024‑05‑19
Lynn Fandrich (Info) Oregon State Agronomy Agriculture, Plant Culture Agriculture, Plant Physiology pq 2016‑04‑06
Jerry F. Franklin (Info) Oregon State, University of Washington forest ecology, community ecology, disturbance ecology, landscape ecology, forest management & policy pq 2016‑03‑22
Harish T. Gandhi (Info) Oregon State Genetics, Plant Culture Agriculture pq 2016‑04‑06
Sean T. Hammond (Info) Univ. of New Mexico, Oregon State, University of North Dakota melaniem 2012‑06‑06
Eileen H. Helmer (Info) USDA Forest Service Landscape Ecology, Tropical Forest Ecology, Remote Sensing ehelmer 2015‑06‑29
Jonathan Jenks (Info) South Dakota State tywerdel 2023‑11‑13
David McAfee Leslie, Jr. (Info) Oklahoma State University tywerdel 2023‑11‑13
Hiram W. Li (Info) Oregon State Fish Behavior, freshwater fish ecology, energetic jandh 2018‑10‑27
David A. Lytle (Info) Oregon State evolutionary ecology of aquatic organisms emilybernhardt 2013‑02‑25
Carol Mallory-Smith (Info) Oregon State Kevynjj 2015‑11‑03
Robert William Mannan (Info) University of Arizona muddynat 2024‑12‑19
Hank Margolis (Info) jeanl 2016‑11‑05
John Marshall (Info) University of Idaho, Umeå University jeanl 2016‑11‑05
Pamela A. Matson (Info) Stanford jeanl 2016‑11‑05
Nate G. McDowell (Info) PNNL, LANL, Oregon State Ecology Biology pq 2016‑03‑30
Bruce A. Mcintosh (Info) Oregon State jandh 2018‑10‑27
Cyrus Milo McKell (Info) Utah State University jandh 2024‑05‑20
Laura E. McMullen (Info) Oregon State evolutionary ecology of aquatic organisms pq 2015‑11‑18
Edwin Charles Meslow (Info) UW Madison muddynat 2024‑12‑19
Richard Frank Miller (Info) Oregon State jandh 2024‑05‑19
Ram Oren (Info) Duke Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry pq 2016‑03‑21
Jeanne Panek (Info) jeanl 2016‑11‑05
Kee-Woong Park (Info) Oregon State Agronomy Agriculture, Soil Science Agriculture pq 2016‑04‑06
Alejandro Perez-Jones (Info) Oregon State Agronomy Agriculture pq 2016‑04‑06
Wendy Peterman (Info) US Forest Service jeanl 2016‑11‑05
Robert D. Pietruszka (Info) NMcIntyre 2021‑10‑22
Charles Edgar Poulton (Info) Oregon State Range Ecology jandh 2023‑11‑06
Kenneth L. Reed (Info) jeanl 2016‑11‑05
Tara R. Robinson (Info) UIUC bird ecology, conservation pq 2015‑11‑30
Cathy Rose (Info) jeanl 2016‑11‑05
Daniel H. Slone (Info) USFS wyomingirl 2009‑11‑23
Robert J. Smith (Info) Oregon State Plant ecology phyto 2018‑11‑10
Edward Evan Starkey (Info) Oregon State tywerdel 2023‑11‑13
Christopher J. Still (Info) Oregon State seanth 2015‑09‑09
Jennifer J. Swenson (Info) Oregon State Remote sensing, landscape analysis, ecosystem science, forest systems pq 2016‑07‑16
George Francis Sykes (Info) Oregon State, Tufts zoology muddynat 2024‑05‑16
Catherine S. Tarasoff (Info) Michigan Technological University Kevynjj 2015‑11‑03
Steve Van Tuyl (Info) Oregon State terrestrial carbon cycling, forest ecology svantuyl 2014‑10‑15
Judith R. Vergun (Info) Oregon State, University of Hawai'i at Manoa jandh 2024‑05‑19
Richard H. Waring (Info) Oregon State Nathangphillips 2016‑07‑15
Ben Weinstein (Info) Oregon State Community Ecology bw4sz 2017‑08‑31
Neil E. West (Info) Utah State University washingtonra 2016‑09‑09
John Anthony Wiens (Info) Colorado State kwith 2018‑05‑31
Howard Marshall Wight (Info) University of Michigan muddynat 2024‑05‑16
Mark Wilson (Info) Oregon State ChrisPayne 2018‑04‑04
Jennifer K. Wright (Info) Edinburgh, Oregon State forest and savanna ecology, ecophysiology jennyfish 2013‑01‑22
Asako M. Yamamuro (Info) Oregon State evolutionary ecology of aquatic organisms pq 2015‑11‑18
Maria L. Zapiola (Info) Oregon State Plant Culture Agriculture, Agronomy Agriculture pq 2016‑04‑06
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