Barry J. Huebert - Publications

University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 
Environmental Sciences, Ecology Biology, Hydrology, Atmospheric Science Physics

126 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2017 Blomquist BW, Brumer SE, Fairall CW, Huebert BJ, Zappa CJ, Brooks IM, Yang M, Bariteau L, Prytherch J, Hare JE, Czerski H, Matei A, Pascal RW. Wind Speed and Sea State Dependencies of Air‐Sea Gas Transfer: Results From the High Wind Speed Gas Exchange Study (HiWinGS) Journal of Geophysical Research. 122: 8034-8062. DOI: 10.1002/2017Jc013181  0.59
2017 Brumer SE, Zappa CJ, Blomquist BW, Fairall CW, Cifuentes‐Lorenzen A, Edson JB, Brooks IM, Huebert BJ. Wave-Related Reynolds Number Parameterizations of CO2 and DMS Transfer Velocities Geophysical Research Letters. 44: 9865-9875. DOI: 10.1002/2017Gl074979  0.342
2017 Kim MJ, Novak GA, Zoerb MC, Yang M, Blomquist BW, Huebert BJ, Cappa CD, Bertram TH. Air-Sea exchange of biogenic volatile organic compounds and the impact on aerosol particle size distributions Geophysical Research Letters. 44: 3887-3896. DOI: 10.1002/2017Gl072975  0.753
2016 Kim MJ, Zoerb MC, Campbell NR, Zimmermann KJ, Blomquist BW, Huebert BJ, Bertram TH. Revisiting benzene cluster cations for the chemical ionization of dimethyl sulfide and select volatile organic compounds Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 9: 1473-1484. DOI: 10.5194/Amt-9-1473-2016  0.583
2014 Chin M, Diehl T, Tan Q, Prospero JM, Kahn RA, Remer LA, Yu H, Sayer AM, Bian H, Geogdzhayev IV, Holben BN, Howell SG, Huebert BJ, Hsu NC, Kim D, et al. Multi-decadal aerosol variations from 1980 to 2009: A perspective from observations and a global model Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 14: 3657-3690. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-14-3657-2014  0.44
2014 Blomquist BW, Huebert BJ, Fairall CW, Bariteau L, Edson JB, Hare JE, McGillis WR. Advances in Air-Sea CO2 Flux Measurement by Eddy Correlation Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 152: 245-276. DOI: 10.1007/S10546-014-9926-2  0.405
2014 Simpson RMC, Howell SG, Blomquist BW, Clarke AD, Huebert BJ. Dimethyl sulfide: Less important than long-range transport AS a source of sulfate to the remote tropical Pacific marine boundary layer Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 119: 9142-9167. DOI: 10.1002/2014Jd021643  0.4
2013 Chin M, Diehl T, Tan Q, Prospero JM, Kahn RA, Remer LA, Yu H, Sayer AM, Bian H, Geogdzhayev IV, Holben BN, Howell SG, Huebert BJ, Hsu NC, Kim D, et al. Multi-decadal variations of atmospheric aerosols from 1980 to 2009: sources and regional trends Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 13: 19751-19835. DOI: 10.5194/Acpd-13-19751-2013  0.404
2013 Potter L, Kreidenweis S, Huebert B, Howell S, Zhuang J, Morman M. Variability of sulfate aerosol concentrations at Mauna Loa observatory, Hawaii Aip Conference Proceedings. 1527: 519-522. DOI: 10.1063/1.4803320  0.335
2013 Tsay SC, Hsu NC, Lau WKM, Li C, Gabriel PM, Ji Q, Holben BN, Judd Welton E, Nguyen AX, Janjai S, Lin NH, Reid JS, Boonjawat J, Howell SG, Huebert BJ, et al. From BASE-ASIA toward 7-SEAS: A satellite-surface perspective of boreal spring biomass-burning aerosols and clouds in Southeast Asia Atmospheric Environment. 78: 20-34. DOI: 10.1016/J.Atmosenv.2012.12.013  0.391
2013 Li C, Tsay SC, Hsu NC, Kim JY, Howell SG, Huebert BJ, Ji Q, Jeong MJ, Wang SH, Hansell RA, Bell SW. Characteristics and composition of atmospheric aerosols in Phimai, central Thailand during BASE-ASIA Atmospheric Environment. 78: 60-71. DOI: 10.1016/J.Atmosenv.2012.04.003  0.385
2012 Blomquist BW, Fairall CW, Huebert BJ, Wilson ST. Direct measurement of the oceanic carbon monoxide flux by eddy correlation Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 5: 3069-3075. DOI: 10.5194/Amt-5-3069-2012  0.445
2011 Wood R, Mechoso CR, Bretherton CS, Weller RA, Huebert B, Straneo F, Albrecht BA, Coe H, Allen G, Vaughan G, Daum P, Fairall C, Chand D, Gallardo Klenner L, Garreaud R, et al. The VAMOS ocean-cloud-atmosphere-land study regional experiment (VOCALS-REx): Goals, platforms, and field operations Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11: 627-654. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-11-627-2011  0.373
2011 Yang M, Huebert BJ, Blomquist BW, Howell SG, Shank LM, McNaughton CS, Clarke AD, Hawkins LN, Russell LM, Covert DS, Coffman DJ, Bates TS, Quinn PK, Zagorac N, Bandy AR, et al. Atmospheric sulfur cycling in the southeastern Pacific-longitudinal distribution, vertical profile, and diel variability observed during VOCALS-REx Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11: 5079-5097. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-11-5079-2011  0.632
2011 Salter ME, Upstill-Goddard RC, Nightingale PD, Archer SD, Blomquist B, Ho DT, Huebert B, Schlosser P, Yang M. Impact of an artificial surfactant release on air-sea gas fluxes during Deep Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment II Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 116. DOI: 10.1029/2011Jc007023  0.624
2011 Fairall CW, Yang M, Bariteau L, Edson JB, Helmig D, McGillis W, Pezoa S, Hare JE, Huebert B, Blomquist B. Implementation of the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment flux algorithm with CO2, dimethyl sulfide, and O3 Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 116. DOI: 10.1029/2010Jc006884  0.6
2011 Yang M, Blomquist BW, Fairall CW, Archer SD, Huebert BJ. Air-sea exchange of dimethylsulfide in the Southern Ocean: Measurements from so GasEx compared to temperate and tropical regions Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 116. DOI: 10.1029/2010Jc006526  0.654
2011 Bandy A, Faloona IC, Blomquist BW, Huebert BJ, Clarke AD, Howell SG, Mauldin RL, Cantrell CA, Hudson JG, Heikes BG, Merrill JT, Wang Y, O'Sullivan DW, Nadler W, Davis DD. Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment (PASE): Dynamics and chemistry of the south Pacific tropical trade wind regime Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. 68: 5-25. DOI: 10.1007/S10874-012-9215-8  0.49
2010 Blomquist BW, Huebert BJ, Fairall CW, Faloona IC. Determining the sea-air flux of dimethylsulfide by eddy correlation using mass spectrometry Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 3: 1-20. DOI: 10.5194/Amt-3-1-2010  0.416
2010 Huebert BJ, Blomquist BW, Yang MX, Archer SD, Nightingale PD, Yelland MJ, Stephens J, Pascal RW, Moat BI. Linearity of DMS transfer coefficient with both friction velocity and wind speed in the moderate wind speed range Geophysical Research Letters. 37. DOI: 10.1029/2009Gl041203  0.334
2009 Yang M, Blomquist BW, Huebert BJ. Constraining the concentration of the hydroxyl radical in a stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layer from sea-to-air eddy covariance flux measurements of dimethylsulfide Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9: 9225-9236. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-9-9225-2009  0.63
2009 Yang M, Howell SG, Zhuang J, Huebert BJ. Attribution of aerosol light absorption to black carbon, brown carbon, and dust in China - Interpretations of atmospheric measurements during EAST-AIRE Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9: 2035-2050. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-9-2035-2009  0.603
2009 Brooks IM, Yelland MJ, Upstill-Goddard RC, Nightingale PD, Archer S, d'Asaro E, Beale R, Beatty C, Blomquist B, Bloom AA, Brooks BJ, Cluderay J, Coles D, Dacey J, DeGrandpre M, ... ... Huebert B, et al. Supplement to physical exchanges at the air-sea interface: UK-SOLAS field measurements Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 90: ES9-ES16. DOI: 10.1175/2008Bams2578.2  0.311
2009 Brooks IM, Yelland MJ, Upstill-Goddard RC, Nightingale PD, Archer S, d'Asaro E, Beale R, Beatty C, Blomquist B, Bloom AA, Brooks BJ, Cluderay J, Coles D, Dacey J, DeGrandpr̈e M, ... ... Huebert B, et al. Physical exchanges at the air-sea interface: UK-SOLAS field measurements Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 90: 629-644. DOI: 10.1175/2008Bams2578.1  0.451
2009 Saito T, Kawamura K, Tsunogai U, Chen TY, Matsueda H, Nakatsuka T, Gamo T, Uematsu M, Huebert BJ. Photochemical histories of nonmethane hydrocarbons inferred from their stable carbon isotope ratio measurements over east Asia Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 114. DOI: 10.1029/2008Jd011388  0.389
2008 Bailey KE, Toole DA, Blomquist B, Najjar RG, Huebert B, Kieber DJ, Kiene RP, Matrai P, Westby GR, del Valle DA. Dimethylsulfide production in Sargasso Sea eddies Deep-Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 55: 1491-1504. DOI: 10.1016/J.Dsr2.2008.02.011  0.38
2007 Hammes K, Schmidt MWI, Smernik RJ, Currie LA, Ball WP, Nguyen TH, Louchouarn P, Houel S, Gustafsson O, Elmquist M, Cornelissen G, Skjemstad JO, Masiello CA, Song J, Peng P, ... ... Huebert BJ, et al. Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black-elemental) carbon in soils and sediments using reference materials from soil, water, sediment and the atmosphere Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 21. DOI: 10.1029/2006Gb002914  0.305
2006 Blomquist BW, Fairall CW, Huebert BJ, Kieber DJ, Westby GR. DMS sea-air transfer velocity: Direct measurements by eddy covariance amd parameterizarion based on the NOAA/COAREgas transfer model Geophysical Research Letters. 33. DOI: 10.1029/2006Gl025735  0.411
2006 Howell SG, Clarke AD, Shinozuka Y, Kapustin V, McNaughton CS, Huebert BJ, Doherty SJ, Anderson TL. Influence of relative humidity upon pollution and dust during ACE-Asia: Size distributions and implications for optical properties Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 111. DOI: 10.1029/2004Jd005759  0.432
2006 Arimoto R, Kim YJ, Kim YP, Quinn PK, Bates TS, Anderson TL, Gong S, Uno I, Chin M, Huebert BJ, Clarke AD, Shinozuka Y, Weber RJ, Anderson JR, Guazzotti SA, et al. Characterization of Asian Dust during ACE-Asia Global and Planetary Change. 52: 23-56. DOI: 10.1016/J.Gloplacha.2006.02.013  0.472
2005 Fuzzi S, Andreae MO, Huebert BJ, Kulmala M, Bond TC, Boy M, Doherty SJ, Guenther A, Kanakidou M, Kawamura K, Kerminen V-, Lohmann U, Russell LM, Pöschl U. Critical assessment of the current state of scientific knowledge, terminology, and research needs concerning the role of organic aerosols in the atmosphere, climate, and global change Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 6: 2017-2038. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-6-2017-2006  0.362
2005 Heald CL, Jacob DJ, Park RJ, Russell LM, Huebert BJ, Seinfeld JH, Liao H, Weber RJ. A large organic aerosol source in the free troposphere missing from current models Geophysical Research Letters. 32: 1-4. DOI: 10.1029/2005Gl023831  0.414
2004 Saito T, Kawamura K, Nakatsuka T, Huebert BJ. In situ measurements of butane and pentane isomers over the subtropical North Pacific Geochemical Journal. 38: 397-404. DOI: 10.2343/Geochemj.38.397  0.459
2004 Seinfeld JH, Carmichael GR, Arimoto R, Conant WC, Brechtel FJ, Bates TS, Cahill TA, Clarke AD, Doherty SJ, Flatau PJ, Huebert BJ, Kim J, Markowicz KM, Quinn PK, Russell LM, et al. ACE-ASIA: Regional climatic and atmospheric chemical effects of Asian dust and pollution Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 85: 367-380. DOI: 10.1175/Bams-85-3-367  0.451
2004 Wilson JC, Lafleur BG, Hilbert H, Seebaugh WR, Fox J, Gesler DW, Brock CA, Huebert BJ, Mullen J. Function and performance of a low turbulence inlet for sampling supermicron particles from aircraft platforms Aerosol Science and Technology. 38: 790-802. DOI: 10.1080/027868290500841  0.37
2004 Huebert BJ, Howell SG, Covert D, Bertram T, Clarke A, Anderson JR, Lafleur BG, Seebaugh WR, Wilson JC, Gesler D, Blomquist B, Fox J. PELTI: Measuring the passing efficiency of an airborne low turbulence aerosol inlet Aerosol Science and Technology. 38: 803-826. DOI: 10.1080/027868290500823  0.657
2004 Shinozuka Y, Clarke AD, Howell SG, Kapustin VN, Huebert BJ. Sea-salt vertical profiles over the Southern and tropical Pacific oceans: Microphysics, optical properties, spatial variability, and variations with wind speed Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109: 1-17. DOI: 10.1029/2004Jd004975  0.454
2004 Huebert B, Bertram T, Kline J, Howell S, Eatough D, Blomquist B. Measurement of organic and elemental carbon in Asian outflow during ACE-Asia from the NSF/NCAR C-130 Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109: D19S11 1-16. DOI: 10.1029/2004Jd004700  0.695
2004 Simoneit BRT, Kobayashi M, Mochida M, Kawamura K, Huebert BJ. Aerosol particles collected on aircraft flights over the northwestern Pacific region during the ACE-Asia campaign: Composition and major sources of the organic compounds Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109. DOI: 10.1029/2004Jd004565  0.439
2004 Kline J, Huebert B, Howell S, Blomquist B, Zhuang J, Bertram T, Carrillo J. Aerosol composition and size versus altitude measured from the C-130 during ACE-Asia Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109: D19S08 1-22. DOI: 10.1029/2004Jd004540  0.668
2004 Huebert BJ, Blomquist BW, Hare JE, Fairall CW, Johnson JE, Bates TS. Measurement of the sea-air DMS flux and transfer velocity using eddy correlation Geophysical Research Letters. 31: 1-4. DOI: 10.1029/2004Gl021567  0.429
2004 Clarke AD, Shinozuka Y, Kapustin VN, Howell S, Huebert B, Doherty S, Anderson T, Covert D, Anderson J, Hua X, Moore KG, McNaughton C, Carmichael G, Weber R. Size distributions and mixtures of dust and black carbon aerosol in Asian outflow: Physiochemistry and optical properties Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109. DOI: 10.1029/2003Jd004378  0.437
2004 Kahn R, Anderson J, Anderson TL, Bates T, Brechtel F, Carrico CM, Clarke A, Doherty SJ, Dutton E, Flagan R, Frouin R, Fukushima H, Holben B, Howell S, Huebert B, et al. Environmental snapshots from ACE-Asia Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109. DOI: 10.1029/2003Jd004339  0.453
2004 Arimoto R, Zhang XY, Huebert BJ, Kang CH, Savoie DL, Prospero JM, Sage SK, Schloesslin CA, Khaing HM, Oh SN. Chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols from Zhenbeitai, China, and Gosan, South Korea, during ACE-Asia Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109: D19S04 1-15. DOI: 10.1029/2003Jd004323  0.468
2004 Tang Y, Carmichael GR, Seinfeld JH, Dabdub D, Weber RJ, Huebert B, Clarke AD, Guazzotti SA, Sodeman DA, Prather KA, Uno I, Woo JH, Yienger JJ, Streets DG, Quinn PK, et al. Three-dimensional simulations of inorganic aerosol distributions in east Asia during spring 2001 Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109: D19S23 1-32. DOI: 10.1029/2003Jd004201  0.442
2004 Tang Y, Carmichael GR, Kurata G, Uno I, Weber RJ, Song CH, Guttikunda SK, Woo JH, Streets DG, Wei C, Clarke AD, Huebert B, Anderson TL. Impacts of dust on regional tropospheric chemistry during the ACE-Asia experiment: A model study with observations Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109: D19S21 1-21. DOI: 10.1029/2003Jd003806  0.421
2004 Ma Y, Weber RJ, Maxwell-Meier K, Orsini DA, Lee YN, Huebert BJ, Howell SG, Bertram T, Talbot RW, Dibb JE, Scheuer E. Intercomparisons of airborne measurements of aerosol ionic chemical composition during TRACE-P and ACE-Asia Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 109: D15S06 1-13. DOI: 10.1029/2003Jd003673  0.669
2003 Schauer JJ, Mader BT, Deminter JT, Heidemann G, Bae MS, Seinfeld JH, Flagan RC, Cary RA, Smith D, Huebert BJ, Bertram T, Howell S, Kline JT, Quinn P, Bates T, et al. ACE-Asia intercomparison of a thermal-optical method for the determination of particle-phase organic and elemental carbon. Environmental Science & Technology. 37: 993-1001. PMID 12666931 DOI: 10.1021/Es020622F  0.636
2003 Sander R, Keene WC, Pszenny AAP, Arimoto R, Ayers GP, Baboukas E, Cainey JM, Crutzen PJ, Duce RA, Hönninger G, Huebert BJ, Maenhaut W, Mihalopoulos N, Turekian VC, Van Dingenen R. Inorganic bromine in the marine boundary layer: A critical review Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 3: 1301-1336. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-3-1301-2003  0.486
2003 Maria SF, Russell LM, Turpin BJ, Porcja RJ, Campos TL, Weber RJ, Huebert BJ. Source signatures of carbon monoxide and organic functional groups in Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia) submicron aerosol types Journal of Geophysical Research. 108: 8637. DOI: 10.1029/2003Jd003703  0.464
2003 Huebert BJ, Bates T, Russell PB, Shi G, Kim YJ, Kawamura K, Carmichael G, Nakajima T. An overview of ACE-Asia: Strategies for quantifying the relationships between Asian aerosols and their climatic impacts Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 108. DOI: 10.1029/2003Jd003550  0.452
2003 Murayama T, Masonis SJ, Redemann J, Anderson TL, Schmid B, Livingston JM, Russell PB, Huebert B, Howell SG, McNaughton CS, Clarke A, Abo M, Shimizu A, Sugimoto N, Yabuki M, et al. An intercomparison of lidar‐derived aerosol optical properties with airborne measurements near Tokyo during ACE‐Asia Journal of Geophysical Research. 108: 8651. DOI: 10.1029/2002Jd003259  0.474
2003 Kawamura K, Umemoto N, Mochida M, Bertram T, Howell S, Huebert BJ. Water-soluble dicarboxylic acids in the tropospheric aerosols collected over east Asia and western North Pacific by ACE-Asia C-130 aircraft Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 108: ACE 7-1 - ACE 7-7. DOI: 10.1029/2002Jd003256  0.643
2003 Garrett TJ, Russell LM, Ramaswamy V, Maria SF, Huebert BJ. Microphysical and radiative evolution of aerosol plumes over the tropical North Atlantic Ocean Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 108. DOI: 10.1029/2002Jd002228  0.511
2003 Mader BT, Schauer JJ, Seinfeld JH, Flagan RC, Yu JZ, Yang H, Lim HJ, Turpin BJ, Deminter JT, Heidemann G, Bae MS, Quinn P, Bates T, Eatough DJ, Huebert BJ, et al. Sampling methods used for the collection of particle-phase organic and elemental carbon during ACE-Asia Atmospheric Environment. 37: 1435-1449. DOI: 10.1016/S1352-2310(02)01061-0  0.639
2003 Benitez-Nelson CR, Vink SM, Carrillo JH, Huebert BJ. Volcanically influenced iron and aluminum cloud water deposition to Hawaii Atmospheric Environment. 37: 535-544. DOI: 10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00892-0  0.356
2003 Maria SF, Russell LM, Turpin BJ, Porcja RJ, Campos TL, Weber RJ, Huebert BJ. Source signatures of carbon monoxide and organic functional groups in Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia) submicron aerosol types Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 108.  0.368
2003 Murayama T, Masonis SJ, Redemann J, Anderson TL, Schmid B, Livingston JM, Russell PB, Huebert B, Howell SG, McNaughton CS, Clarke A, Abo M, Shimizu A, Sugimoto N, Yabuki M, et al. An intercomparison of lidar-derived aerosol optical properties with airborne measurements near Tokyo during ACE-Asia Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 108.  0.383
2002 Carrillo JH, Hastings MG, Sigman DM, Huebert BJ. Atmospheric deposition of inorganic and organic nitrogen and base cations in Hawaii Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 16: 24-1. DOI: 10.1029/2002Gb001892  0.324
2002 Sansone FJ, Benitez-Nelson CR, Resing JA, DeCarlo EH, Vink SM, Heath JA, Huebert BJ. Geochemistry of atmospheric aerosols generated from lava-seawater interactions Geophysical Research Letters. 29. DOI: 10.1029/2001Gl013882  0.649
2002 Zhang XY, Cao JJ, Li LM, Arimoto R, Cheng Y, Huebert B, Wang D. Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosol over XiAn in the South Margin of the Loess Plateau, China Atmospheric Environment. 36: 4189-4199. DOI: 10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00347-3  0.444
2002 Sansone FJ, Benitez-Nelson CR, Resing JA, DeCarlo EH, Vink SM, Heath JA, Huebert BJ. Geochemistry of atmospheric aerosols generated from lava-seawater interactions Geophysical Research Letters. 29: 49-1.  0.62
2001 Blomquist BW, Huebert BJ, Howell SG, Litchy MR, Twohy CH, Schanot A, Baumgardner D, Lafleur B, Seebaugh R, Laucks ML. An evaluation of the community aerosol inlet for the NCAR C-130 research aircraft Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 18: 1387-1397. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0426(2001)018<1387:Aeotca>2.0.Co;2  0.445
2001 Cornell S, Mace K, Coeppicus S, Duce R, Huebert B, Jickells T, Zhuang LZ. Organic nitrogen in Hawaiian rain and aerosol Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 106: 7973-7983. DOI: 10.1029/2000Jd900655  0.473
2000 Huebert BJ, Charlson RJ. Uncertainties in data on organic aerosols Tellus B. 52: 1249-1255. DOI: 10.3402/Tellusb.V52I5.17099  0.374
2000 Chin M, Savoie DL, Huebert BJ, Bandy AR, Thornton DC, Bates TS, Quinn PK, Saltzman ES, De Bruyn WJ. Atmospheric sulfur cycle simulated in the global model GOCART: Comparison with field observations and regional budgets Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 105. DOI: 10.1029/2000Jd900385  0.454
2000 Chen G, Davis DD, Kasibhatla P, Bandy AR, Thornton DC, Huebert BJ, Clarke AD, Blomquist BW. A study of DMS oxidation in the tropics: Comparison of christmas island field observation of DMS, SO2, and DMSO with model simulations Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. 37: 137-160. DOI: 10.1023/A:1006429932403  0.406
1999 Huebert BJ. Sulphur emissions from ships Nature. 400: 713-714. DOI: 10.1038/23357  0.374
1999 Chadwick OA, Derry LA, Vitousek PM, Huebert BJ, Hedin LO. Changing sources of nutrients during four million years of ecosystem development Nature. 397: 491-497. DOI: 10.1038/17276  0.313
1999 Mauldin RL, Tanner DJ, Heath JA, Huebert BJ, Eisele FL. Observations of H2SO4 and MSA during PEM-Tropics-A Journal of Geophysical Research. 104: 5801-5816. DOI: 10.1029/98Jd02612  0.412
1999 Mari C, Suhre K, Rosset R, Bates TS, Huebert BJ, Bandy AR, Thornton DC, Businger S. One-dimensional modeling of sulfur species during the First Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE 1) Lagrangian B Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 104: 21733-21749. DOI: 10.1029/1999Jd900022  0.478
1999 Davis D, Chen G, Bandy A, Thornton D, Eisele F, Mauldin L, Tanner D, Lenschow D, Fuelberg H, Huebert B, Heath J, Clarke A, Blake D. Dimethyl sulfide oxidation in the equatorial Pacific: Comparison of model simulations with field observations for DMS, SO2, H2SO4(g), MSA(g), MS and NSS Journal of Geophysical Research. 104: 5765-5784. DOI: 10.1029/1998Jd100002  0.449
1999 Huebert B, Vitousek P, Sutton J, Elias T, Heath J, Coeppicus S, Howell S, Blomquist B. Volcano fixes nitrogen into plant-available forms Biogeochemistry. 47: 111-118. DOI: 10.1023/A:1006276011055  0.362
1999 Heath JA, Huebert BJ. Cloudwater deposition as a source of fixed nitrogen in a Hawaiian montane forest Biogeochemistry. 44: 119-134. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00992974  0.609
1999 Mauldin RL, Tanner DJ, Heath JA, Huebert BJ, Eisele FL. Observations of H<inf>2</inf>SO<inf>4</inf> and MSA during PEM-Tropics-A Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 104: 5801-5816.  0.612
1998 Howell S, Pszenny AAP, Quinn P, Huebert B. A field intercomparison of three cascade impactors Aerosol Science and Technology. 29: 475-492. DOI: 10.1080/02786829808965585  0.385
1998 Suhre K, Mari C, Bates TS, Johnson JE, Rosset R, Wang Q, Bandy AR, Blake DR, Businger S, Eisele FL, Huebert BJ, Kok GL, Mauldin RL, Prévôt ASH, Schillawski RD, et al. Physico-chemical modeling of the First Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE 1) Lagrangian B: 1. A moving column approach Journal of Geophysical Research. 103: 16433-16455. DOI: 10.1029/98Jd00821  0.434
1998 Huebert BJ, Howell SG, Zhuang L, Heath JA, Litchy MR, Wylie DJ, Kreidler-Moss JL, Cöppicus S, Pfeiffer JE. Filter and impactor measurements of anions and cations during the First Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE 1) Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 103: 16493-16509. DOI: 10.1029/98Jd00770  0.679
1998 Bates TS, Huebert BJ, Gras JL, Griffiths FB, Durkee PA. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project's First Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE 1): Overview Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 103: 16297-16318. DOI: 10.1029/97Jd03741  0.402
1998 Howell SG, Huebert BJ. Determining marine aerosol scattering characteristics at ambient humidity from size‐resolved chemical composition Journal of Geophysical Research. 103: 1391-1404. DOI: 10.1029/97Jd02404  0.416
1996 Huebert BJ, Wylie DJ, Zhuang L, Heath JA. Production and loss of methanesulfonate and non-sea salt sulfate in the equatorial Pacific marine boundary layer Geophysical Research Letters. 23. DOI: 10.1029/96Gl00777  0.67
1996 Zhuang L, Huebert BJ. Lagrangian analysis of the total ammonia budget during Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment/ Marine Aerosol and Gas Exchange Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 101: 4341-4350. DOI: 10.1029/95Jd02467  0.526
1996 Huebert BJ, Zhuang L, Howell S, Noone K, Noone B. Sulfate, nitrate, methanesulfonate, chloride, ammonium, and sodium measurements from ship, island, and aircraft during the Atlantic stratocumulus transition experiment/ marine aerosol gas exchange Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 101: 4413-4423. DOI: 10.1029/95Jd02044  0.503
1996 Noone KJ, Schillawski RD, Kok GL, Bretherton CS, Huebert BJ. Ozone in the marine atmosphere observed during the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment/Marine Aerosol and Gas Exchange Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 101: 4485-4499. DOI: 10.1029/95Jd01838  0.43
1996 Huebert BJ, Pszenny A, Blomquist B. The ASTEX/MAGE Experiment Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 101: 4319-4329. DOI: 10.1029/95Jd01531  0.445
1996 Russell LM, Huebert BJ, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Characterization of submicron aerosol size distributions from time‐resolved measurements in the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment/Marine Aerosol and Gas Exchange Journal of Geophysical Research. 101: 4469-4478. DOI: 10.1029/95Jd01372  0.445
1996 Huebert BJ. Observation of sulfate formation rates during ACE-1 Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols. 822-823. DOI: 10.1016/B978-008042030-1/50200-6  0.413
1996 Gras JL, Bates TS, Huebert BJ. Ace-1: A field study of atmospheric aerosol physics and chemistry Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols. 742-748. DOI: 10.1016/B978-008042030-1/50184-0  0.434
1996 Russell LM, Huebert BJ, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Characterization of submicron aerosol size distributions from time-resolved measurements in the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment/Marine Aerosol and Gas Exchange Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 101: 4469-4478.  0.338
1995 Twohy CH, Durkee PA, Huebert BJ, Charlson RJ. Effects of aerosol particles on the microphysics of coastal stratiform clouds Journal of Climate. 8: 773-783. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0442(1995)008<0773:Eoapot>2.0.Co;2  0.4
1994 Gangwoong Lee, Merrill JT, Huebert BJ. Variation of free tropospheric total nitrate at Mauna Loa observatory, Hawaii Journal of Geophysical Research. 99. DOI: 10.1029/94Jd00146  0.418
1993 Gangwoong Lee, Liangzhong Zhuang, Huebert BJ, Meyers TP. Concentration gradients and dry deposition of nitric acid vapor at the Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii Journal of Geophysical Research. 98. DOI: 10.1029/93Jd00817  0.402
1993 Huebert BJ, Howell S, Laj P, Johnson JE, Bates TS, Quinn PK, Yegorov V, Clarke AD, Porter JN. Observations of the atmospheric sulfur cycle on SAGA 3 Journal of Geophysical Research. 98: 16985-16995. DOI: 10.1029/92Jd02818  0.482
1993 Baumgardner D, Huebert B. The airborne aerosol inlet workshop: Meeting report Journal of Aerosol Science. 24: 835-846. DOI: 10.1016/0021-8502(93)90050-J  0.39
1993 Huebert BJ. Observations of the atmospheric sulfur cycle on SAGA 3 Journal of Geophysical Research. 98.  0.308
1992 Hübler G, Montzka DD, Norton RB, Murphy PC, Fehsenfeld FC, Liu SC, Ridley BA, Walega JG, Atlas E, Grahek FE, Heidt LE, Merrill J, Huebert BJ, Bodhaine BA. Total reactive oxidized nitrogen (NOy) in the remote Pacific troposphere and its correlation with O3 and CO: Mauna Loa Observatory Photochemistry Experiment 1988 Journal of Geophysical Research. 97: 10427-10447. DOI: 10.1029/91Jd03112  0.475
1992 Norton RB, Carroll MA, Montzka DD, Hübler G, Huebert BJ, Lee G, Warren WW, Ridley BA, Walega JG. Measurements of nitric acid and aerosol nitrate at the Mauna Loa Observatory during the Mauna Loa Observatory Photochemistry Experiment 1988 Journal of Geophysical Research. 97: 10415-10425. DOI: 10.1029/91Jd02966  0.442
1992 Liu SC, Trainer M, Carroll MA, Hübler G, Montzka DD, Norton RB, Ridley BA, Walega JG, Atlas EL, Heikes BG, Huebert BJ, Warren W. A study of the photochemistry and ozone budget during the Mauna Loa Observatory Photochemistry Experiment Journal of Geophysical Research. 97: 10463-10471. DOI: 10.1029/91Jd02298  0.325
1992 Atlas EL, Ridley BA, Hubler G, Walega JG, Carroll MA, Montzka DD, Huebert BJ, Norton RB, Grahek FE, Schauffler S. Partitioning and budget of NO y species during the Mauna Loa Observatory Photochemistry Experiment Journal of Geophysical Research. 97: 10449-10462. DOI: 10.1029/91Jd01541  0.436
1990 Lebel PJ, Huebert BJ, Schiff HI, Vay SA, Van Bramer SE, Hastie DR. Measurements of tropospheric nitric acid over the western United States and northeastern Pacific Ocean Journal of Geophysical Research. 95. DOI: 10.1029/Jd095Id07P10199  0.365
1990 Huebert BJ, Vanbramer SE, Lebel PJ, Vay SA, Torres AL, Schiff HI, Hastie D, Hubler G, Bradshaw JD, Carroll MA, Davis DD, Ridley BA, Rodgers MO, Sandholm ST, Dorris S. Measurements of the nitric acid to NOxratio in the troposphere Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 95: 10193-10198. DOI: 10.1029/Jd095Id07P10193  0.409
1990 Singh HB, Condon E, Vedder J, O'Hara D, Ridley BA, Gandrud BW, Shetter JD, Salas LJ, Huebert B, Hübler G, Carroll MA, Albritton DL, Davis DD, Bradshaw JD, Sandholm ST, et al. Peroxyacetyl nitrate measurements during CITE 2: Atmospheric distribution and precursor relationships Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 95: 10163-10178. DOI: 10.1029/Jd095Id07P10163  0.451
1990 Gregory GL, Hoell JM, Huebert BJ, Bramer SEV, LeBel PJ, Vay SA, Marinaro RM, Schiff HI, Hastie DR, Mackay GI, Karecki DR. An intercomparison of airborne nitric acid measurements Journal of Geophysical Research. 95: 10089-10102. DOI: 10.1029/Jd095Id07P10089  0.366
1990 Huebert BJ. Measurements of the nitric acid to NOx ratio in the troposphere Journal of Geophysical Research. 95.  0.305
1989 Meyers TP, Huebert BJ, Hicks BB. HNO3 deposition to a deciduous forest Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 49: 395-410. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00123651  0.313
1988 Huebert BJ, Wang Ming-Xing, Lu Wei-Xiu. Atmospheric nitrate, sulfate, ammonium and calcium concentrations in China Tellus, Series B. 40: 260-269. DOI: 10.3402/Tellusb.V40I4.15914  0.382
1988 Lenschow DH, Paluch IR, Bandy AR, Pearson R, Kawa SR, Weaver CJ, Huebert BJ, Kay JG, Thornton DC, Driedger AR. Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus (DYCOMS) Experiment Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 69: 1058-1067. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0477(1988)069<1058:Dacoms>2.0.Co;2  0.417
1988 Brost RA, Delany AC, Huebert BJ. Numerical modeling of concentrations and fluxes of HNO3, NH3, and NH4NO3 near the surface Journal of Geophysical Research. 93. DOI: 10.1029/Jd093Id06P07137  0.365
1988 Huebert BJ, Luke WT, Delany AC, Brost RA. Measurements of concentrations and dry surface fluxes of atmospheric nitrates in the presence of ammonia Journal of Geophysical Research. 93: 7127-7136. DOI: 10.1029/Jd093Id06P07127  0.444
1988 Huebert BJ, Vanbramer S, Tschudy KL. Liquid cloudwater collection using modified Mohnen slotted rods Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. 6: 251-263. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00053859  0.314
1987 Galasyn JF, Tschudy KL, Huebert BJ. Seasonal and diurnal variability of nitric acid vapor and ionic aerosol species in the remote free troposphere at Mauna Loa, Hawaii Journal of Geophysical Research. 92: 3105-3113. DOI: 10.1029/Jd092Id03P03105  0.455
1987 Stoiber RE, Williams SN, Huebert B. Annual contribution of sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere by volcanoes Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 33: 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/0377-0273(87)90051-5  0.336
1986 Parrish DD, Norton RB, Bollinger MJ, Liu SC, Murphy PC, Albritton DL, Fehsenfeld FC, Huebert BJ. Measurements of HNO3 and NO3 − particulates at a rural site in the Colorado mountains Journal of Geophysical Research. 91: 5379-5393. DOI: 10.1029/Jd091Id05P05379  0.439
1986 Stoiber RE, Williams SN, Huebert BJ. Sulfur and halogen gases at Masaya Caldera Complex, Nicaragua: Total flux and variations with time Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 91: 12215-12231. DOI: 10.1029/Jb091Ib12P12215  0.442
1985 Huebert BJ, Robert CH. The dry deposition of nitric acid to grass Journal of Geophysical Research. 90: 2085-2090. DOI: 10.1029/Jd090Id01P02085  0.409
1983 Liu SC, McFarland M, Kley D, Zafiriou O, Huebert B. Tropospheric NO x and O3 budgets in the equatorial Pacific Journal of Geophysical Research. 88: 1360-1368. DOI: 10.1029/Jc088Ic02P01360  0.38
1983 Norton RB, Roberts JM, Huebert BJ. tropospheric oxalate Geophysical Research Letters. 10: 517-520. DOI: 10.1029/GL010i007p00517  0.313
1983 Goldan PD, Kuster WC, Albritton DL, Fehsenfeld FC, Connell PS, Norton RB, Huebert BJ. Calibration and tests of the filter-collection method for measuring clean-air, ambient levels of nitric acid Atmospheric Environment (1967). 17: 1355-1364. DOI: 10.1016/0004-6981(83)90410-9  0.377
1983 Lazrus AL, Haagenson PL, Kok GL, Huebert BJ, Kreitzberg CW, Likens GE, Mohnen VA, Wilson WE, Winchester JW. Acidity in air and water in a case of warm frontal precipitation Atmospheric Environment (1967). 17: 581-591. DOI: 10.1016/0004-6981(83)90131-2  0.375
1982 Smith DB, Zielinski RA, Rose WI, Huebert BJ. Water-soluble material on aerosols collected within volcanic eruption clouds Journal of Geophysical Research. 87: 4963-4972. DOI: 10.1029/Jc087Ic07P04963  0.395
1980 Huebert BJ, Lazrus AL. Tropospheric gas-phase and particulate nitrate measurements Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 85: 7322-7328. DOI: 10.1029/Jc085Ic12P07322  0.332
1980 Huebert BJ. Nitric acid and aerosol nitrate measurements in the equatorial Pacific Region Geophysical Research Letters. 7: 325-328. DOI: 10.1029/GL007i005p00325  0.31
1979 Cadle RD, Lazrus AL, Huebert BJ, Heidt LE, Rose WI, Woods DC, Chuan RL, Stoiber RE, Smith DB, Zielinski RA. Atmospheric implications of studies of Central American volcanic eruption clouds Journal of Geophysical Research. 84: 6961-6968. DOI: 10.1029/Jc084Ic11P06961  0.471
1979 Lazrus AL, Cadle RD, Gandrud BW, Greenberg JP, Huebert BJ, Rose WI. SULFUR AND HALOGEN CHEMISTRY OF THE STRATOSPHERE AND OF VOLCANIC ERUPTION PLUMES Journal of Geophysical Research. 84: 7869-7875.  0.316
1978 Huebert BJ, Lazrus AL. Global tropospheric measurements of mitric acid vapor and particulate nitrate Geophysical Research Letters. 5: 577-580. DOI: 10.1029/GL005i007p00577  0.308
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