Easton R White, Ph.D.

2014-2018 Population Biology University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
 2018-2021 Biology University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, United States 
 2021- Biological Sciences University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, United States 
ecology, theoretical ecology, population biology, fisheries, conseration science
"Easton White"


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John D. Nagy research assistant 2009-2013 Scottsdale Community College (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Julia K. Baum grad student 2013-2014 University of Victoria (Marine Ecology Tree)
Alan Hastings grad student 2014-2018 UC Davis


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Andrew Villeneuve grad student 2022- UNH (Marine Ecology Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Fairchild EA, Wulfing S, White ER. (2024) Lumpfish, , distribution in the Gulf of Maine, USA: observations from fisheries independent and dependent catch data. Peerj. 12: e17832
Villeneuve AR, White ER. (2024) Predicting organismal response to marine heatwaves using dynamic thermal tolerance landscape models. The Journal of Animal Ecology
Osgood GJ, White ER, Baum JK. (2021) Effects of climate-change driven gradual and acute temperature changes on shark and ray species. The Journal of Animal Ecology
White ER, Froehlich HE, Gephart JA, et al. (2020) Early effects of COVID-19 on US fisheries and seafood consumption. Fish and Fisheries (Oxford, England)
White ER, Cox K, Melbourne BA, et al. (2019) Success and failure of ecological management is highly variable in an experimental test. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Fournier AMV, White ER, Heard SB. (2019) Site-selection bias and apparent population declines in long-term studies. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology
Rodríguez-Caro RC, Wiegand T, White ER, et al. (2019) A low cost approach to estimate demographic rates using inverse modeling Biological Conservation. 237: 358-365
White ER, Smith AT. (2018) The role of spatial structure in the collapse of regional metapopulations. Ecology
White ER. (2018) Minimum Time Required to Detect Population Trends: The Need for Long-Term Monitoring Programs Bioscience. 69: 40-46
White ER, Myers MC, Flemming JM, et al. (2015) Shifting elasmobranch community assemblage at Cocos Island-an isolated marine protected area. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. 29: 1186-97
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