Matthew D. Holland

State of California, Sanger, CA, United States 
Population dynamics, Spatial ecology, Fisheries
"Matthew Holland"
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Wang HY, Botsford LW, White JW, et al. (2014) Effects of temperature on life history set the sensitivity to fishing in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua Marine Ecology Progress Series. 514: 217-229
White JW, Botsford LW, Hastings A, et al. (2014) Stochastic models reveal conditions for cyclic dominance in sockeye salmon populations Ecological Monographs. 84: 69-90
Botsford LW, Holland MD, Field JC, et al. (2014) Cohort resonance: A significant component of fluctuations in recruitment, egg production, and catch of fished populations Ices Journal of Marine Science. 71: 2158-2170
Botsford LW, Holland MD, Samhouri JF, et al. (2011) Importance of age structure in models of the response of upper trophic levels to fishing and climate change Ices Journal of Marine Science. 68: 1270-1283
Worden L, Botsford LW, Hastings A, et al. (2010) Frequency responses of age-structured populations: Pacific salmon as an example. Theoretical Population Biology. 78: 239-49
Yokomizo H, Botsford LW, Holland MD, et al. (2010) Optimal wind patterns for biological production in shelf ecosystems driven by coastal upwelling Theoretical Ecology. 3: 53-63
Holland MD, Hastings A. (2008) Strong effect of dispersal network structure on ecological dynamics. Nature. 456: 792-4
Melbourne BA, Cornell HV, Davies KF, et al. (2007) Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover? Ecology Letters. 10: 77-94
Bohonak AJ, Holland MD, Santer B, et al. (2006) The population genetic consequences of diapause in Eudiaptomus copepods Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie. 167: 183-202
Hastings A, Cuddington K, Davies KF, et al. (2005) The spatial spread of invasions: New developments in theory and evidence Ecology Letters. 8: 91-101
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