Matthew V. Novenson, Ph.D.

2010 Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, United States 
Biblical Studies Religion, General Religion, Theology, Jewish Studies
"Matthew Novenson"


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Beverly R. Gaventa grad student 2010 Princeton Theological Seminary
 (Christ language in Paul and messiah language in ancient Judaism.)
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Novenson MV. (2018) Book Review: Stoics Versus Christians: C. Kavin Rowe, One True Life: The Stoics and Early Christians as Rival TraditionsRoweC. Kavin, One True Life: The Stoics and Early Christians as Rival Traditions (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016. £25.00. pp. x + 330. ISBN: 978-0-300-18012-1). Expository Times. 129: 238-238
Novenson MV. (2017) Book Review: Essays in Honour of Ross Shepard Kraemer: Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Nathaniel DesRosiers, Shira L. Lander, Jacqueline Z. Pastis, and Daniel Ullucci (eds), A Most Reliable Witness: Essays in Honor of Ross Shepard KraemerHarveySusan AshbrookDesRosiersNathanielLanderShira L.PastisJacqueline Z.UllucciDaniel (eds), A Most Reliable Witness: Essays in Honor of Ross Shepard Kraemer, Brown Judaic Studies 358 (Providence, RI: Brown University, 2015. $59.95. pp. xix + 304. ISBN: 9781930675940). Expository Times. 129: 91-92
Novenson MV. (2017) Book Review: An Account of Atoning Almsgiving in Earliest Christianity: David J. Downs, Alms: Charity, Reward, and Atonement in Early ChristianityDownsDavid J., Alms: Charity, Reward, and Atonement in Early Christianity (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2016. $59.95. pp. ix + 340. ISBN: 978-1-60258-997-1). Expository Times. 129: 49-49
Novenson MV. (2016) Book Review: Reading the Trinity in Early Christian Scriptural Interpretation: Matthew W. Bates, The Birth of the Trinity: Jesus, God, and Spirit in New Testament and Early Christian Interpretations of the Old TestamentBatesMatthew W., The Birth of the Trinity: Jesus, God, and Spirit in New Testament and Early Christian Interpretations of the Old Testament (Oxford: OUP, 2015. £55.00. pp. xii + 234. ISBN: 978-0-19-872956-3). Expository Times. 127: 197-197
Novenson MV. (2015) Book Review: Theological-Exegetical Essays on Romans 5-8: Beverly Roberts Gaventa (ed.), Apocalyptic Paul: Cosmos and Anthropos in Romans 5-8: Expository Times. 126: 454-455
Novenson MV. (2015) Book Review: Essays on God in the Bible in Honour of Beverly Roberts Gaventa: David J. Downs and Matthew L. Skinner (eds), The Unrelenting God: God’s Action in Scripture: Essays in Honor of Beverly Roberts Gaventa Expository Times
Novenson MV. (2015) The Pauline Epistles in Tertullian's Bible Scottish Journal of Theology. 68: 471-483
Novenson MV. (2014) Book Review: The Final Report of the Sbl Paul and Scripture Seminar: Christopher D. Stanley (ed.), Paul and Scripture: Extending the Conversation: Expository Times. 125: 203-204
Novenson MV. (2013) Book Review: Alternative Model for Understanding Paul’s Use of Scriptur: Matthew W. Bates, The Hermeneutics of the Apostolic Proclamation: The Center of Paul’s Method of Scriptural Interpretation Expository Times. 125: 149-150
Novenson MV. (2013) Book Review: A Novel Argument for the Divinity Of Christ In Paul: Chris Tilling, Paul’s Divine ChristologyTillingChris, Paul’s Divine Christology (WUNT 2.323; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012. €59,00. pp. xi+322. ISBN: 978-3-16-151865-2). Expository Times. 124: 619-619
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