M Therese Lysaught

Theology Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, United States 
Theology, Ethics, General Religion
"M Lysaught"
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Lysaught MT. (2017) Book Review: Joseph Selling, Reframing Catholic Theological Ethics: Studies in Christian Ethics
Lysaught MT. (2016) From the Anticipatory Corpse to the Participatory Body. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 41: 585-596
Lysaught MT. (2016) Geographies and Accompaniment: Toward an Ecclesial Re-ordering of the Art of Dying Studies in Christian Ethics. 29: 286-293
Lysaught MT. (2016) Book Review: Michael Banner, The Ethics of Everyday Life: Moral Theology, Social Anthropology, and the Imagination of the Human Studies in Christian Ethics. 29: 339-342
Lysaught MT. (2009) Docile bodies: Transnational research ethics as biopolitics Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 34: 384-408
Lysaught MT. (2009) Medicine as friendship with God: Anointing the sick as a theological hermeneutic Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics. 29: 171-191
Lysaught MT. (2005) Practicing the Order of Widows: a new call for an old vocation Christian Bioethics. 11: 51-68
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