Recent additions to Theology Tree: Advanced Search
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James M Arcadi (Info) Wheaton College (IL) abd 2024‑08‑27
Harvey Cawdron (Info) University of St Andrews abd 2024‑08‑27
Oliver Daniel Crisp (Info) Fuller Theological Seminary, University of St Andrews, University of Bristol abd 2024‑08‑21
Oscar Cullmann (Info) University of Basel marcelthecat 2024‑08‑01
Aaron Brian Davis (Info) abd 2024‑08‑21
Drew Thomas Everhart (Info) London School of Theology abd 2024‑08‑21
Brian Albert Gerrish (Info) Chicago, McCormick Theological Seminary, Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education abd 2024‑08‑21
Wilhelm Heitmüller (Info) University of Marburg marcelthecat 2024‑08‑01
Stephen Holmes (Info) University of St Andrews abd 2024‑08‑27
Hannah James (Info) University of St Andrews abd 2024‑08‑27
Danielle Jansen (Info) University of St Andrews abd 2024‑08‑27
Karen King (Info) Harvard Divinity School Early Christianity, New Testament, Gnosticism, Women and Religion marcelthecat 2024‑08‑01
AnneMarie Luijendijk (Info) Princeton Papyrology, Early Christianity, New Testament marcelthecat 2024‑08‑01
Steven Nemes (Info) abd 2024‑08‑21
Murray Rae (Info) University of Otago abd 2024‑08‑21
Andrew Bartholomew Torrance (Info) University of St Andrews abd 2024‑08‑21
Konrad Schlechteler von Alsfeld (Info) University of Erfurt Mavalto 2024‑08‑31
Johannes Weiss (Info) University of Marburg marcelthecat 2024‑08‑01
Judith Wolfe (Info) University of St Andrews, Oxford abd 2024‑08‑21
Christopher Woznicki (Info) Fuller Theological Seminary abd 2024‑08‑27
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