People with institution matching "University of North Carolina, Wilmington": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Charles D. Amsler (Info) UAB chemical ecology, phycology pmatson 2009‑11‑08
Brian S. Arbogast (Info) UNC Wilmington, Cal Poly Humboldt Biogeography, Systematics, Conservation namark 2011‑11‑14
Daniel G. Baden (Info) UNC Wilmington Marine natural products tarselli 2016‑06‑30
Emily M. Berkey (Info) UNC Wilmington shdowfx2theresq 2011‑04‑09
Matthew A. Birk (Info) University of South Florida, Marine Biological Laboratory cephalopods, ecophysiology, hypoxia, behavioral ecology erinmclean 2014‑02‑28
Stuart Ross Borrett (Info) UNC Wilmington systems ecology, marine ecology, ecosystems, networks borretts 2014‑11‑15
Jeremiah Brown (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2016‑06‑08
Katherine Bruce (Info) UNC Wilmington Animal behavior, comparative cognition Amp6498 2014‑03‑29
Larry Cahoon (Info) UNC Wilmington aramus 2017‑10‑25
Christopher M. Callahan (Info) Cal Poly Humboldt Systematics, Biogeography, Cetaceans Bsarbogast 2011‑11‑14
Jessica L Carlton (Info) UNC Wilmington Marine Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science jlcarlton88 2017‑04‑15
Yixin Chen (Info) Washington University, UNC Wilmington nickkapur 2018‑02‑13
Dale Cohen (Info) UNC Wilmington mk9y 2007‑09‑23
Brian Sanford Coleman (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2016‑06‑08
Nicole (Capik) Crowley (Info) UNC Chapel Hill, Penn State ex vivo electrophysiology, systems neuroscience and behavioral health bepharmer 2010‑06‑08
Craig W. Cummings (Info) Auburn University Behavioral pharmacology, behavioral toxicology, experimental analysis of behavior cummicw 2011‑07‑25
Taylor M. Curley (Info) Villanova memory, metamemory, aging, cognitive neuropsychology Soctman 2013‑09‑15
Kai Curry-Lindahl (Info) UNC Wilmington Tropical Ecology, Conservation, GIS guest 2011‑11‑14
Elizabeth S. Darrow (Info) UNC Wilmington stable isotopes, shellfish ecology, nitrogen cycling bethouva 2014‑01‑28
Melissa Deal (Info) UNC Wilmington Behavioral Pharmacology, working memory, applied behavior analysis Amp6498 2014‑03‑29
Amanda Devoto (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2016‑06‑08
Andrea L. Dingeldein (Info) UNC Wilmington Marine Biology ald0750 2009‑11‑10
Linda A. Dykstra (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Psychopharmacology & Addiction cab 2007‑08‑20
Holly A. Earls (Info) UVA visual perception holly.earls 2009‑04‑06
Steven D. Emslie (Info) UNC Wilmington Marine & Terrestrial Ornithology mpolito 2013‑04‑29
L. Kimberly Epting (Info) Elon bepharmer 2010‑06‑09
Patrick M. Erwin (Info) UNC Wilmington Microbiology Biology, Ecology Biology pq 2016‑03‑23
Joseph W. Felts (Info) UNC Wilmington, Texas Tech, Davidson-Davie Community College Ecology, Animal Behavior, Behavioral Ecology, Mammalogy Joe_f15 2017‑08‑25
Jennifer Marie Ferrell (Info) University of the West of England, Bristol Developmental, Cognitive Development, Intergenerational Contact, Social Cognition, Group Dynamics, Counterfactual Reasoning jferrell 2018‑09‑28
Heather Fleuriet (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2016‑06‑08
D. Wilson Freshwater (Info) UNC Wilmington cintiaiha 2018‑07‑07
Mark Galizio (Info) UNC Wilmington millerll 2008‑01‑29
Amanda Logan Gibson (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2016‑06‑08
Angela Marie Goolsby (Info) Western Michigan University NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine, rat olfaction angmarie 2018‑05‑17
Randolph C. Grace (Info) University of Canterbury Choice, Concurrent Chains DRC 2010‑01‑03
William Montrose Graham (Info) University of Southern Mississippi Biological oceanography, zooplankton, jellyfish krobinson 2014‑01‑23
Aneeka Mikael Hancock (Info) UC Irvine drhbythec 2009‑05‑13
Robert Hancock (Info) UNC Wilmington Inorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry cmwhaley 2013‑02‑15
Lilian Alexandra Hatcher (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2016‑06‑08
Andrew Blair Hawkey (Info) University of Kentucky Behavioral Pharmacology abha235 2015‑08‑27
Russell Leland Herman (Info) UNC Wilmington Nonlinear Physics hermanr 2010‑06‑08
Anne-Marie C. Hodge (Info) UNC Wilmington Carnivore Conservation, Intraguild Competition Bsarbogast 2011‑11‑14
Christine Elizabeth Hughes (Info) UNC Wilmington Behavior Analysis bepharmer 2010‑06‑09
Cintia Iha (Info) Universidade de São Paulo systematics cintiaiha 2018‑07‑07
Marissa Taylor Iwanylo (Info) UNC Wilmington Psychology marissa.iwanylo 2018‑05‑21
Stephanie J. Kamel (Info) UNC Wilmington Marine evolutionary ecology aramus 2016‑06‑27
Donald F. Kapraun (Info) UNC Wilmington amsler 2010‑11‑15
Julian R. Keith (Info) UNC Wilmington memory, neuropharmacology thorfinn 2006‑04‑09
Sophia Key (Info) UNC Wilmington Applied Behavior Analysis bepharmer 2010‑06‑08
Caitlin Kielhorn (Info) UNC Wilmington Marine mammal physiology, morphology caitlinkielhorn1 2011‑06‑30
Jessica Kinsella (Info) UNC Wilmington bethouva 2017‑08‑14
Rachel A. Kohman (Info) UNC Wilmington kmclinden 2012‑05‑22
Julia M. Kubanek (Info) Georgia Tech Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry pq 2016‑04‑04
Amanda Lash (Info) Rotman Research Institute Cognitive aging alash 2014‑09‑17
Sean C. Lema (Info) California Polytechnic State University matthewabirk 2014‑02‑28
Carrianne J. Leschak (Info) UCLA cjleschak 2015‑11‑16
Zac Long (Info) UNC Wilmington maryo 2009‑10‑14
Zachary T. Long (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Ecology Biology pq 2016‑03‑14
Michael McCartney (Info) UNC Wilmington Speciation, Hybrid Zones, Population Genetics, Molecular Eoclogy Kzelnio 2010‑08‑04
Andrew McCullough (Info) UC Davis cognitive neuroscience maly 2011‑08‑19
Linda Mechling (Info) UNC Wilmington jrroot 2017‑07‑28
Bryan Messina (Info) UNC Wilmington Alcohol Behavioral Pharmacology bepharmer 2011‑03‑14
Laurence L. Miller (Info) UNC Chapel Hill cab 2007‑11‑15
Kate B. Nooner (Info) UNC Wilmington Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑03‑01
Robert J. Nowicki (Info) UNC Wilmington, Florida International, Mote Marine Laboratory sonjansmith 2016‑01‑13
Dorothy Ann Pabst (Info) UNC Wilmington biomechanics 2009‑09‑22
Heather N. Page (Info) Scripps Oceanography ocean acidification, coral ecology hnpage 2014‑01‑31
Danielle Eva Panoz-Brown (Info) UNC Wilmington Behavioral pharmacology, Episodic memory, Working memory, Learning, Choice behavior, Animal behavior, Stimulus equivalence DaniellePanozBrown 2014‑03‑29
Michael Perone (Info) West Virginia University Behavior Analysis bepharmer 2010‑06‑08
Mitchell Picker (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Behavioral Pharmacology CEHughes 2010‑06‑10
Carol Pilgrim (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2010‑06‑09
Raymond Pitts (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2010‑06‑09
Michael J. Polito (Info) Louisiana State Trophic Ecology, Stable Isotopes, Ornithology mpolito 2013‑04‑29
Richard S. Pond, Jr. (Info) UNC Wilmington Aggression, Emotion, Social Rejection rspond 2012‑11‑13
Martin H. Posey (Info) UNC Wilmington Benthic ecology JeffGoddard 2010‑04‑28
Ashley M. Prichard (Info) Emory, UNC Wilmington, Christopher Newport University perception, olfaction, canine cognition, fMRI Amp6498 2014‑03‑29
Kaitlyn Proctor (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2016‑06‑08
Aaron P. Ramus (Info) UNC Wilmington Marine community ecology aramus 2013‑10‑29
Jenny Rose Root (Info) Florida State special education, autism, mathematics, general curriculum access, intellectual disabilities, severe disabilities, academics, single case design, applied behavior analysis jrroot 2017‑07‑28
Bryan K. Saville (Info) James Madison University bepharmer 2010‑06‑10
Katelyn I. Schumacher (Info) Central Michigan University, UNC Wilmington, Bowling Green State University Molecular ecology, evolution, and conservation genetics Bsarbogast 2011‑11‑14
Sherry L. Serdikoff (Info) Armstrong Atlantic State University Behavior Analysis, Behavioral Pharmacology, Experimental Psychology bepharmer 2010‑06‑10
Alan L. Shanks (Info) Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Larval dispersal, biological oceanography bgrupe 2009‑11‑10
Michelle R. Stuart (Info) UNC Wilmington Phycology stuart620 2011‑06‑30
Robert James Sutherland (Info) University of Lethbridge Hippocampus & memory Thorfinn 2006‑04‑09
Jarrod Tanny (Info) UNC Wilmington Jewish history jacr 2015‑03‑06
Morgan Throckmorton (Info) UNC Wilmington Behavior Analysis bepharmer 2010‑06‑08
Jeffrey P. Toth (Info) UNC Wilmington memory, attention, control, automaticity, intention abishara 2008‑11‑15
Carole M. Van Camp (Info) UNC Wilmington Behavior Analysis vancampc 2010‑06‑10
Wendy Donlin Washington (Info) UNC Wilmington behavior, behavioral pharmacology bepharmer 2008‑01‑30
Michael R. Webb (Info) UNC Wilmington ACHM 2016‑09‑30
William David Webster (Info) Texas Tech, UNC Wilmington Joe_f15 2017‑08‑25
Brooke L Weigel (Info) Chicago marine ecology, microbial ecology, nutrient cycling, invertebrates brookeweigel 2018‑07‑05
Samuel James West (Info) Virginia State University, VCU Aggression and Violence, Social Cognition and Neuroscience, Psychometrics, Network Analysis westsj3 2018‑08‑26
Curtis Matthew Whaley (Info) The Dow Chemical Company Inorganic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Materials, Materials Science cmwhaley 2013‑02‑15
Will W. White (Info) UNC Wilmington predator-prey interactions, foraging behavior of fishes, larval dispersal, metapopulation dynamics, spatial management of marine fisheries matthewabirk 2014‑02‑28
Brenda Lynn Wichmann (Info) UNC Wilmington Herbarium botanize 2010‑09‑01
Haleigh Winbourne (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2016‑06‑08
Kevin A. Zelnio (Info) Independent Population Genetics, Molecular Ecology, Deep-Sea Biology, Systematics, Science Communication Kzelnio 2009‑11‑03
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