People added by biocs: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Eric Althoff (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Ingemar Andre (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Eric L. Anson (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Gary Bader (Info) University of Toronto biocs 2010‑04‑14
David Baker (Info) University of Washington protein structure prediction biocs 2010‑04‑12
Yih-En Andrew Ban (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Patrick Barth (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Peter M. Bayley (Info) National Institute for Medical Research biocs 2010‑04‑13
Andreas Beyer (Info) TU Dresden computational biology biocs 2010‑04‑12
Tom Blundell (Info) Cambridge structural biology, structural bioinformatics biocs 2017‑08‑07
Peter Bowers (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Phil Bradley (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Dennis Bray (Info) Cambridge biocs 2011‑02‑16
Christopher Bystroff (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Rhiju Das (Info) Stanford predictive understanding of how biopolymer sequences code for biopolymer structures, with an initial focus on RNA biocs 2010‑04‑12
Ian Davis (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
William J. Dreyer (Info) Caltech biocs 2010‑04‑12
Andrzej Ehrenfeucht (Info) CU Boulder biocs 2010‑04‑12
Johann Gamper (Info) Free University of Bozen-Bolzano biocs 2010‑04‑23
Mark B. Gerstein (Info) Yale Computational Biology and Bioinformatics biocs 2010‑04‑12
Jeffrey J. Gray (Info) Johns Hopkins Protein docking, structure prediction and design, macromolecular assemblies biocs 2010‑04‑12
David Henry Haussler (Info) UC Santa Cruz biocs 2010‑04‑12
Jim Havranek (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Christopher W.V. Hogue (Info) University of Toronto, National University of Singapore biocs 2010‑04‑14
Leroy Hood (Info) Institute for Systems Biology biocs 2010‑04‑12
Heinz Horner (Info) Heidelberg University biocs 2010‑10‑22
Trey Ideker (Info) UCSD computational biology biocs 2010‑04‑12
Mudita Jain (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
John Karanicolas (Info) Fox Chase Cancer Center, University of Kansas biocs 2010‑04‑12
John Kececioglu (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Jim Knight (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Tanja Kortemme (Info) UCSF biocs 2010‑04‑12
Brian Kuhlman (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Andrew Leaver-Fay (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Shneior Lifson (Info) Weizmann Institute biocs 2010‑04‑14
Gerhard Mehldau (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Jens Meiler (Info) Vanderbilt biocs 2010‑04‑12
Kira Misura (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Eugene Wimberly Myers (Info) Janelia Farm computational biology biocs 2010‑04‑12
Wolfgang Nejdl (Info) Institut für Verteilte Systeme biocs 2010‑04‑23
Hans Neurath (Info) University of Washington protein science biocs 2010‑04‑12
Wolfgang Joseph Pauli, Sr. (Info) Vienna University colloid chemistry biocs 2010‑04‑12
David Chilton Phillips (Info) Oxford biocs 2010‑04‑13
Marina Ramirez-Alvarado (Info) Mayo Clinic protein misfolding biocs 2010‑04‑12
Jens Reich (Info) Max Delbrück Center bioinformatics, biostatistics biocs 2010‑04‑12
Daniella Roethlisberger (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Carol A. Rohl (Info) UC Santa Cruz biocs 2010‑04‑12
Antonis Rokas (Info) Vanderbilt evolutionary biology, mycology biocs 2010‑04‑27
Michael Schroeder (Info) TU Dresden biocs 2010‑04‑23
Ora Schueler-Furman (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Vanita Sood (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Graham N. Stone (Info) Edinburgh biocs 2010‑04‑27
Kai Tan (Info) University of Iowa biocs 2010‑04‑12
Vesteinn Thorsson (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Jerry Tsai (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Bjorn Wallner (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
William Wedemeyer (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Thomas Wilhelm (Info) Institute of Food Research biocs 2010‑05‑06
Andrew Wollacott (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
Chris Workman (Info) Technical University of Denmark biocs 2010‑04‑12
Yasuo Yoshikuni (Info) biocs 2010‑04‑12
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