Terrill F. Saxon

Education Baylor University, Waco, TX 
Educational Psychology Education
"Terrill Saxon"
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Hull DM, Saxon TF, Fagan MA, et al. (2018) Positive youth development: An experimental trial with unattached adolescents. Journal of Adolescence. 67: 85-97
Wells KE, Sulak TN, Saxon TF, et al. (2016) Traditional versus iPad-mediated handwriting instruction in early learners Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention. 9: 185-198
Sulak TN, Saxon TF, Fearon D. (2014) Applying the Theory of Reasoned Action to Domestic Violence Reporting Behavior: The Role of Sex and Victimization Journal of Family Violence. 29: 165-173
Ritter MJ, Park J, Saxon TF, et al. (2013) A phonologically based intervention for school-age children with language impairment: Implications for reading achievement Journal of Literacy Research. 45: 356-385
Fearon DD, Copeland D, Saxon TF. (2013) The Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Creativity in a Sample of Jamaican Children Creativity Research Journal. 25: 119-128
Hayes D, Huey EL, Hull DM, et al. (2012) The Influence of Youth Assets on the Career Decision Self-Efficacy in Unattached Jamaican Youth Journal of Career Development. 39: 407-422
Saxon TF, Hull DM, Fearon DD, et al. (2012) How do Jamaica's unattached youth view their career prospects and life skills? | Comment les jeunes chômeurs Jamaïcains voient-ils leurs perspectives de carrière et leurs compétences pour la vie? Comparative Education Review. 56: 421-447
Ritter MJ, Saxon TF. (2011) Classroom-based phonological sensitivity intervention (PSI) using a narrative platform: An experimental study of first graders at risk for a reading disability Communication Disorders Quarterly. 33: 3-12
Aoyama I, Saxon TF, Fearon DD. (2011) Internalizing problems among cyberbullying victims and moderator effects of friendship quality Multicultural Education and Technology Journal. 5: 92-105
Aoyama I, Saxon TF. (2010) K267 A Review of Cyberbullying Research : Research Findings on Sex and Age Differences, Negative Influences, and Profiles of Victims and Bullies. The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology. 52: 489
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