Barry G. Green, Ph.D.

The John B. Pierce Laboratory, New Haven, CT, United States 
taste, chemesthesis, flavor, temperature, touch, pain
"Barry Green"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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John E. Hayes research assistant 2001-2003 The John B Pierce Laboratory
Juyun Lim post-doc 2005-2007 J. B. Pierce / Yale Medical School
Juyun Lim post-doc 2005-2007 (Neurotree)
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Veldhuizen MG, Farruggia MC, Gao X, et al. (2020) Identification of an Amygdala-Thalamic Circuit That Acts as a Central Gain Mechanism in Taste Perception. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Nachtigal D, Green BG. (2020) Sweet thermal taste: Perceptual characteristics in water and dependence on TAS1R2/TAS1R3. Chemical Senses
Nachtigal D, Andrew K, Green BG. (2018) Selective effects of temperature on the sensory irritation but not taste of NaCl and citric acid. Chemical Senses
Alvarado C, Nachtigal D, Slack JP, et al. (2017) Differential modulation of the lactisole 'Sweet Water Taste' by sweeteners. Plos One. 12: e0180787
Green BG, Andrew K. (2017) Stimulus-Dependent Effects of Temperature on Bitter Taste in Humans. Chemical Senses. 42: 153-160
Green BG, Alvarado C, Andrew K, et al. (2016) The Effect of Temperature on Umami Taste. Chemical Senses
Green BG, Nachtigal D. (2015) Temperature Affects Human Sweet Taste via At Least Two Mechanisms. Chemical Senses. 40: 391-9
Geha P, Dearaujo I, Green B, et al. (2014) Decreased food pleasure and disrupted satiety signals in chronic low back pain. Pain. 155: 712-22
Green BG. (2013) In pursuit of taste phenotypes. Chemical Senses. 38: 289-92
Green BG, Nachtigal D. (2012) Somatosensory factors in taste perception: effects of active tasting and solution temperature. Physiology & Behavior. 107: 488-95
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