Pieter Koele

Psychological Methods University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
"Pieter Koele"
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Witteman CL, Renooij S, Koele P. (2007) Medicine in words and numbers: a cross-sectional survey comparing probability assessment scales. Bmc Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 7: 13
Koele P, Hoogstraten J. (1999) Determinants of dentists' decisions to initiate dental implant treatment: A judgment analysis Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 81: 476-480
Witteman C, Koele P. (1999) Explaining treatment decisions Psychotherapy Research. 9: 100-114
Hoogstraten J, Koele P, Laan JVD. (1998) Templer's Death Anxiety Scale revisited: The Dutch version. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 87: 1259-1264
Harte JM, Koele P, Engelenburg Gv. (1996) Estimation of attribute weights in a multiattribute choice situation Acta Psychologica. 93: 37-55
Koele P, Westenberg MRM. (1995) A compensation index for multiattribute decision strategies Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 2: 398-402
de Beurs E, Lange A, van Dyck R, et al. (1995) Respiratory training prior to exposure in vivo in the treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia: efficacy and predictors of outcome. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 29: 104-13
Beurs ED, Dyck RV, Balkom AJLMv, et al. (1994) Assessing the clinical significance of outcome in agoraphobia research: A comparison of two approaches Behavior Therapy. 25: 147-158
Westenberg MRM, Koele P. (1994) Multi-attribute evaluation processes: Methodological and conceptual issues Acta Psychologica. 87: 65-84
Hoogstraten J, Koele P. (1988) A method for analyzing retrospective pretest/posttest designs: II. Application. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 26: 124-125
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